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How The Term “Terrorism” Be Defined?

How The Term “Terrorism” Be Defined?

The concept of "terrorism" was first recorded in the political vocabulary by Edmund Burke, who used this term, qualifying the French Revolution as the "Age of Terror." Subsequently, this has upset a few notions of terror and terrorism itself. As a phenomenon, terrorism goes into the mists of time as, above all, political violence, i.e., violent means of capture, retention or change of power, imposition of a certain ideology and regime. Many scholars have studied this phenomenon in the framework of special scientific discipline "terologii”. Scientists - terology share of international terrorism on a number of varieties: the socio-political, achieving the goal of indigenous or partial change of government a country or group of countries, national, aiming at a separatist goals, and solutions of domestic issues in the field of ethnic relations, religious, connected with struggle representatives of various religious denominations, sects for influence on society; State, pursuing pressure one country to another to satisfy political interests.

National legislation states, in most cases articulate trends danger and reflect national characteristics of this act of violence. Ukrainian legislation in the Penal Code st.258 provides a definition of terrorism as "actions that endanger human life or health or cause significant property damage” if such actions were committed with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population, provoking a military conflict, international complications, or to influence the decision or act or omission Action by state or local governments. A significant number of Ukrainian scientists stress that the object of the crime in the PTC is determined by the public security, clearly reflects the scale of crimes, and insist on the security of the state as a goal, which directed the criminal acts. But in the U.S. all the questions in this aspect are reflected not in a single article, and in various laws and regulations included in the USC. Title 18 of the document contains a special section dedicated to various issues related to terrorism - the jurisdiction, responsibility, participation, financial agreements with terrorist organizations. The issue of terrorism in the following manner - "the intentional, politically motivated violence, carried out against non-belligerent supra-national groups or clandestine agents to carry out impact on the community. Although the structural body U.S. Department of State - Office to Combat Terrorism - uses a completely different language, under the terrorism means: "the threat or use of violence for political purposes by individuals or groups acting in support of or against the established government or authority, where the designation of such action is in fact, to amaze, stun, or intimidate that group wider than the immediate victims.” In international law, there are over 200 definitions of terrorism, but none of them is not standardized and generally accepted, for example: "Terrorism - it's covert use of violence, a certain group to achieve political goals, it is usually directed against other groups, classes and parties, or "International terrorism - a form of political struggle, using the different political parties, ...
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