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Terror is a crime against humanity. It is a brutal attack against the innocent. Islam is a religion that means "peace". In the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security in the world. Terrorism and all other wickedness on earth are acts that Allah commands Muslims to prevent. The Islamic morality is not the source of terrorism, but his remedy. Those who resort to terrorism or supporting it in the name of Islam are in great error. They commit a crime disapproved by God in the Koran. All Muslims must denounce terrorism of any kind and share the grief of the victims (LaFree, 2007 782).

Critical analysis

Terrorist Affecting Religion

If religions, in its deepest essence, are the ways through which men seek the truth about God and themselves, is contradictory to talk of religious terrorism. The second, from a "sociological" Some people seem practical use (manipulate, distort) their religious beliefs to use "reasons" or excuses for crime (Hoffman 2006 131). The men approach the world of God implies an effort to highlight and accept truths that guide their lives. Being religious means recognizing the existence of a higher reality, a divine being, that gives value and meaning to human life in time and eternity, and that requires behaviour consistent with their own religious convictions.

There is certainly a religious pluralism that makes the approach to God is not easy. The question is crucial, since the acceptance of other faiths or cannot rely simply on personal emotions, traditions of the group, irrational fears or undue prejudice (Heymann 2003 95).

Unfortunately, there may be forms of perversion individual or group, also at the theoretical level, which suggests that the deaths of innocent human beings are part of the religious life. These types of perversion, however, show one of the most tragic paradoxes of human beings: be confusing evil with good, to the point of believing that a horrendous crime is pleasing to God.

Along with these forms of perversion of some religions, it is possible that among believers of different religions are given attitudes of violence culminating in the creation of terrorist groups. In these cases, talk of religious terrorism would be improper if the use of words and ideas of religious institutions by terrorists did not reflect the true beliefs of the religion they claim to belong (Hamm 2007 68).

However, terrorism can be defined as violent acts on civilian targets surprise by organizations pursuing objectives hidden political. The definition, however, does not penetrate into the reason for terrorism, ie the set of beliefs that come to justify the death of third parties, which are unrelated to the "struggles" of these organizations.

Terrorist leaders often set themselves up as spiritual leaders, like Osama bin Laden, and offer spiritual and monetary rewards and the possibility of a better life. In Pakistan, for example, Ms. Stern says radical religious schools and orphanages have become a breeding ground for religious warriors.

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