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With the advent of the Internet and more recently the high-speed academic networks, has created a dynamic that has allowed the academic, scientific and research worldwide for greater interaction in order to develop collaborative research and cooperatively competitive. Thus, Tele-operation stems from the need to keep people away from sources of ionizing radiation.


The term "telematics" was coined in France (Tele-matique). In 1976, a report commissioned by the French president and produced by Simon Nora and Alain Minc Electrik (known as Nora-Minc report and distributed by the title: "Computerization of Society"), which was an incredibly accurate view future technological developments. However, it is no coincidence the difference between the terms: they respond to different contexts, there is indeed to distinguish shades. To clarify this, it is placed in the context of the time: on the one hand France, which placed clear emphasis on telecommunications as an engine of social transformation (1976), while the United Kingdom was undergoing a major revolution in computing. So Compunication points to a model with more relevant computer systems, telematics (Telematique) on the other hand, refers to a greater emphasis on telecommunications. This difference of origin has been lost, and that scientific and technological discipline has completely converged worldwide, to form a single well-established body of knowledge (Josiane & Paul, 2011, 229-49).

Approaches for Tele-Operated System

A tele-operated system is one that allows a robot slave rule (control your movement and the force applied) located in a remote area (Maybe the slave is really far away or you may be in a hostile environment to be protected to the operator) through the management of a master robot located at the point of the operator. Thus, movement of the slave should be predictable from the movements that the operator has on the master, ie, the operator must understand very intuitively how to move the slave master to lead to a certain path and also make the work or works required. This concept is shown in figure beneath these lines, in which an operator operates a master robot kinematics chain analogous to the slave that interacts with the environment.

The different tele-operation architectures provide different degrees of existing tele-presence to the operator are easily comparable and measurable (just realize what is the algorithm that allows you to work better). However, in developing tele-operated systems the need arises to objectively assess its performance. A first approach to this assessment is true that the different variations on the basic outlines of the proposed tele-operation bibliography are intended to improve its characteristics of stability and transparency. Therefore, both are important objective.

The concept of stability is quite common and that a feature is a prerequisite for a tele-operated system: it would be unacceptable during system operation by the operator one of the robots began to shake uncontrollably. Electrical noise and communication delays are typical causes of instability. Regarding the first, is inherent in any real control system, but delays occur only when the robots are sufficiently far apart (for example when the robot ...
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