Teenager Ovarian Cancer

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Teenager Ovarian Cancer


Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor of the ovary. There is a set of paired ovaries that lie on either side of the uterus in the pelvis, which are held by the peritoneum and are connected to the uterus. Ovarian germ cell tumors account for nearly 20% of all ovarian tumors. Ovarian cancer is mostly affected adult female and women but in some case it affects teenagers. Germ cells tumors are caused ovarian cancer in teenagers. Dysgerminomas is the most common of ovarian cancer. It is arising within the ovaries of young girls. Ovarian tumors generally remain asymptomatic, until they are discovered due to their large size or related complications. Ovarian cancer is leading cause of death by gynecological cancers.

Table of Contents





Ovarian Cancer8

Cells and Ovarian Cancer9




Teenager Ovarian Cancer


Cancer in the ovaries can affect women of every age group. Seen in a woman's reproductive organs, this style of cancer can become really serious. It is on the list of most life threatening gynecologic forms of cancer. In fact, across the nation, this major cancer is the fifth most life threatening gynecologic cancer malignancy. Ovarian cancer is mostly affects adult females and women but in some cases it affects teenagers. Germ cells tumors are cause ovarian cancer in teenagers. Dysgerminomas is a kind of ovarian cancer. It is rising within the ovaries of young girls (Alotaibi & Navarro, 2010).



Homeostasis is the balance in an internal environment, such as our body. The body performs adaptive responses to maintain health. Homeostatic mechanisms act by feedback and control processes. When an internal imbalance of various causes, these processes are activated to restore the balance. For cells of our body can live and function properly must be kept in a constant environment, both inside the cell as extracellular fluid (Lee.et.al, 2011).

The body needs homeostasis to maintain stability and survive by ensuring that the internal environment remains relatively constant despite external environmental changes. The endocrine and nervous systems are the major control systems for regulating. The endocrine system consists of a series of glands that secrete chemical regulators hormones. The nervous system can detect deviation from the body's normal state of homeostasis and sends messages to the affected organ to counteract this disturbance. The other bodies systems need to contribute to homeostasis are the circulatory system, digestive system and respiratory system. The disturbance in homeostasis, it can increase the risk of ovarian cancer in females (ovarian.sbc.edu, 2012).

The reproductive system does not contribute to the body homeostasis however it is affect by it imbalance. The reproductive systems purpose is to produce offspring when the male gametes called sperm and the female gametes called ova joint together on the woman's reproductive tract (Tortora & Anagnostakos, 2003).


Cancer is a class of disease in which the cells display uncontrolled growth, destruction of adjacent tissue, and Metastasis. These are the malignant properties of cancer.

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