Teenage Pregnancy Health Issues

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Teenage Pregnancy Health Issues

Teenage Pregnancy Health Issues


In the United States, the Teenage pregnancy has become as major epidemic for many decades and the ultimately affect around thousands of a young child and teenagers each year (Castrucci et.al, 2010). Like other major issues the teenage pregnancy impact the certain population of the group and with more disproportionate rate others and create more psychological and physicals stress to girls. In the rural areas, teenage pregnancy has become a major problem due to the limitation of health care services for pubic, limitation of research on those areas and rural teenagers limited circular targeting.

It was suggested that at the school level, comprehensive sexual education will decrease the risk of sexual behaviors and increase safer choice includes usage of condom. The aim of this paper will explore the issues related in the case study of Liberty County at the rural areas in Texas where there were no public health department.

Prevention of the teenage pregnancy is the critical part which creates negative consequence among the mother, father, child and society as a whole. Teen mothers are more likely to live in poverty, not complete their school studies nor attend school and became live with a single parent (Craig & Stanley, 2006). Parental hood is one major reason why these teenage girls dropping out from the high school.


The negative consequence of the teenage pregnancy is directly contributed towards constitute the cost related epidemic in the nation. The statistics shows that around $9.1 billion spent annually for mange their health problem use to ten age pregnancies. The preventable epidemic is causing the economic burden on the United States.

Biological Theory of Human Development

Bioecological theory suggests that the development of human can understood within the various systems that person has surrounded them. The mother capacity for the adjustment not only influences by them, but it also occurs between the people. Maternal and personal resources are the important for predicting the stress which is an experience by the lower level income people. Child character eristic, persona resources, and contextual influence explained as the difference between decreasing factor and high chronically.

Employee has examined risk factor and protective associated with rates of sexual behavior among teenagers girls with having poor background. The base of the biological theory said that teenager's influence by the various environmental systems. From the Bioecological perspectives school functioning, individual behavior and the family environment were treated as the key sexual behavior. Teenager's academic experience has negative behavior such as school problem, drug and alcohol. Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological system theory is used to explain that the complex environmental complex process that influence the financial support receiving by pregnant teenagers. The micro system has included the stable characterize teenagers that bring the social network negotiation. The Bioecological method is use to guide the mental health assessment of pregnant adolescence. Support from the society is help for the young and teenagers teenager pregnant and can be survived from the several sources in the environment.

The Bioecological model introduces even more consequential domain structure the micro ...
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