Teenage Pregnancy

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Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy


Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy which occurs among a females aged under twenty. Majority of teen pregnancies are considered unwanted pregnancies, that are caused by the practice of sex without contraception. In general, the term also refers to women pregnant who have not reached the legal age of majority, varies for different countries, women and teenagers who are pregnant in a situation of dependency of the family of origin. Pregnancy in a female adolescent may come to term, resulting in the birth, or terminated by abortion, is it spontaneous or induced, in the latter case of legal or illegal depending on legislation in each country (Blake, & Susan, 2003).


Social networking tool for communication

In today's digital world teenagers are the first generation to grow up naturally with the Internet medium. Therefore, they are referring to John Palfrey and Gasser well as natives of the Internet age or the digital natives. A world without Internet is not known to the teenagers today. It is not surprising that 96.3% of all 14 - to 19-year-olds use the Internet regularly. The network is for a large majority of them is a daily companion, where they spend there is an average of 120 minutes per day. This is the main reason why I selected a social networking site for educating teens regarding the risks associated with teenage pregnancy, along with the provision of certain preventive measures.

Blogging for educating teenagers

A blog could be a highly useful tool for educating teenagers regarding the problems associated with teenage pregnancy, many dangers such as; physiological problems, which occurs among teens during pregnancy among adolescent girls does not have any significant differences from pregnant adult women? However, there is the following trend: the younger the expectant mother, the greater the risk of complications and the likelihood of any disease as her own and the child, and social problems, which are often faced by pregnant teenage girls in which they experience condemnation and censure. They are afraid to admit what had happened, even to his parents, remaining alone with the problem. Because of early pregnancy girls forced to drop out of school, thus putting an end to further education, self-fulfillment and career (Rivera R et.al, 2005). A blog simply could be used as a communication tool among the teenagers over the internet.

Benefits of blogs

Increasing the knowledge base of an individual

This is one of the major benefits of blogs, especially for teenagers a blog helps an individual to broaden down their knowledge base. So, it could rightfully be said that if a blog is created for educating teens regarding the hitch of teenage pregnancy, this would play a major role in decreasing the ever increasing cases of teenage pregnancies inside the state of America. As more essential knowledge would be available for teens over the blogs, the more beneficial it would be for the organizations working to decrease the rate of teenage pregnancies. Now, if we take a example if a blog is created regarding the prevention of ...
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