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Research Papers on Technology

All technology students are required to write research papers multiple times in their educational tenure. This also requires much review of the past literature for a proper understanding of the topic. Researchomatic, therefore, provides its consumers with a wide range of research papers on technology and related topics to support and assist students in getting quality literature for secondary data.

Indoor Positioning
INDOOR POSITIONING Current Indoor Positioning Techniques and the 'Locata' Technology Current Indoor Positioning Techniques and the 'Locata' Technology Introduction Location determination outside, also called outdoor positioning, has been common practice for years with the advent of navigation systems. It allows you to easily find the way out and go from A to B. ...
Ethics And Responsibilities In Computer Technology
Ethics and Responsibilities in Computer Technology Ethics and Responsibilities in Computer Technology Introduction Today we cannot understand our society without computers or without data communication networks that link becoming the center and the information base of our society. The computer and information is currently the area of greatest cultural influence to such a degree that ...
Computer-Assisted Maxillofacial Surgery
Computer-Assisted Maxillofacial Surgery Computer-Assisted Maxillofacial Surgery Introduction “Computer assisted navigation systems” are prevalent in the surgeries of nose, ear, orthopedics, throat and neurosurgeries (Kelly, 1995). In the arena of oral and maxilla-facial surgical treatments, the technology of navigation is generally used with triumph in “arthroscopy” of the joint between temporal bone and mandible, ...
Cyber Child Pornography
CYBER CHILD PORNOGRAPHY Cyber Child Pornography Abstract In this world there are various issues that need significant attention. One such issue is of child pornography. Child pornography is a serious issue and should be evaluayted from variegated petrspectives. In this paper, child pornography is evaluated with the increased usage of internet and advancement ...
The History Of Holography
The history of Holography Abstract The purpose of this paper is to define the History of Hologram (Holography). The paper aims to define the significant and comprehensive findings of the Hologram. The founder of holography is a professor of public college in London, Dennis Gabor developed the principle of holography, which he ...
Rfid Technology At Walmart
RFID Technology at Walmart Abstract The technological advancements have significant impact on businesses and the way business are conducted. RFID can be seen as a major way to manage product arrivals, purchases and inventories for companies. The influence of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) on Walmart is very obvious and bringing various commercial ...
Mobile Computing And Social Networking
Mobile Computing and Social Networking Abstract The impact of Information Technology is very obvious now on almost every field from education to medicine and engineering to chemistry. Mobile computing and social networking websites are also a great source of improvement in health care system as well as effective management of patient's records. ...
Fitness In Informational Technology
Fitness in Informational Technology Abstract The use of information technology in daily life is common to all Americans. This use is so common that Americans use computers with quite fluency. This fluency however means that they are computer literate. Fitness in Information technology refers to being fluent in information technology. It means ...
Hacktivism Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Hacktivism” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Hacktivism” in the context of “Ethics”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Hacktivism” and tries to gauge its effect on the “Society”. Finally the research describes ...
Rfid In Wal-Mart
RFID in Wal-Mart RFID in Wal-Mart RFID in Wal-Mart Introduction Wal-Mart will add an RFID tag to each individual item you sell. We were the first to push greatly implementation of this technology when they refused to buy items from suppliers not to use these labels to mark pallets, surely this move will serve to extend this technology ( the call ...
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