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Assignment on Technology

Technology assignments can get quite complicated and difficult as they require implementation of technical skills and thorough review of the past literature. Researchomatic therefore provides its consumers with assignments on technology and all related fields to support and assist students in getting quality literature to effectively work on their assignments. Students from all over the world can conveniently access these assignments.

Cyber Attacks
CYBER ATTACKS Cyber Attacks Table of Contents Introduction1 Difference between Hackers and Crackers1 Discussion2 What Motivates Hackers?2 How Hacking is done?2 Cost and Impact of Cyber Security4 Effects on Individuals5 Effects on Economy and Organisation5 Social and Economic Impact5 Legal Schema7 Tools and methods of Hacking9 Some Hacking Techniques9 Why Catching Hackers is almost an Impossible Task?10 Brief Case Study11 Conclusion12 Securing Systems from Hacking12 References14 Bibliography15 Cyber Attacks Introduction Internet has become ...
TECHNOLOGY Technology Technology Illustrated Example of Moore's Law Moore's Law The computer chip has evolved from a simple integrated circuit to a microprocessor with millions of transistors. The first working integrated circuit on germanium was demonstrated by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments in 1958. This prototype has a transistor (small left dot) attached to two ...
Moral And Ethical Issues
MORAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES Moral and Ethical Issues Brought On By Japans Robotic Technology Moral and Ethical Issues Brought On By Japans Robotic Technology Introduction This paper represents the illustration about the morality and ethics with regards to the context of using robotic technology in Japan. As through the technology breakthrough it is quite ...
Communication Network
COMMUNICATION NETWORK Communication Network Communication Network Introduction In today's era, society has become very modern, and now is dependent on the communication networks with the intention to transmit the set of information and the ideas via symbols, text, signals or speech. Networks make use of numerous instruments for handing out the information, including ...
TECHNOLOGY The Application of Technological Tools Table of Contents "Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design"by Ben Shneiderman1 Rule 1: Strive For Consistency1 Rule 2: Provide interface Shortcuts to Frequent Users.1 Rule 3: Offer Informative Feedback.1 Rule 4: Design Dialog To Yield Progressive Closure2 Rule 5: Offer Simple Error Handling.2 Rule 6: Permit Easy Reversal Of Actions.2 Rule 7: ...
Design Lighting System
Design Lighting System [Name of the Instructor] Design Lighting System Introduction Today, lighting is as important as many other tools involved in selling the product. It is not just to make things visible but there are several features of lights that a designer can use in order to not only make things clear to ...
Ietf And Its Mission
IETF AND ITS MISSION IETF and Its Mission IETF and Its Mission This assignment gives a mission statement for the IETF, tries to define the terms used in the statement sufficiently to make the mission statement understandable and useful, argues why the IETF needs a mission statement, and tries to capture ...
Internet As Social Media
INTERNET AS SOCIAL MEDIA Internet as Social Media Internet as Social Media Introduction In the long and continuous journey of invention in the field of technology internet can be considered as the most remarkable and spectacular invention. The development and access to the internet in recent times has grown tremendously. Similarly, social networking ...
Advanced Network Security
ADVANCED NETWORK SECURITY Advanced Network Security Advanced Network Security Sarbanes-Oxley Act On July 30, 2002, the United States Senate enacted Public Law 107-204 by an overwhelming majority. This Act, entitled “Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002” and henceforth referred to in this text as SOX was subsequently signed into law by then president George W. Bush. ...
Fire Walking
FIRE WALKING Fire Walking Fire Walking Introduction to Fire Walking Fire walking is a practice that is widely followed in various parts of the world. The notion of fire walking is explicated in the light of science and supernatural perspective. The general idea among those who walk on fire is that somehow the ...
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