Technologies And Strategies For Self-Directed Learning

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Technologies and Strategies for Self-directed Learning

Technologies and Strategies for Self-directed Learning


Most of the people spend a huge part of their time in obtaining knowledge and learning some innovative skills. The speediness of change, the ongoing and endless creation of any new information, and a broad and extensive access to such information make such attainments essential. A large part of learning occurs just at the initiative of learner, even though if it is accessible through some kind of formal settings. There is a general label that is present for such type of activity and known as self-directed learning. In real meaning, the self-directed learning is apparent as a form of study in which there is there is a basic responsibility of individuals that they plan, implement, and evaluate a specific effort. A lot of people will proclaim a kind of preference in order to assume such responsibilities whenever it is possible.


Research, interest, and scholarship in self directed learning have accurately made explosions globally in just some years. Some topics have grasped more attention than self directed learning by some adult educators and learners. There are related articles, books, journals, conferences, symposia, and monographs abound.

Challenges & Benefits of Classroom Technology and Equipments

Computer technology and other electronic equipments can assist in facilitating knowledge and learning in the classrooms. Numerous of researchers ponder the computer related technologies as a great influence on the learning and teaching procedures. They elaborate that with increased utilization of technology which is used in the classroom and schools for learning purposes would emerge as more than before student and learner centered and the individualized learning is take place more than prior. In a classroom that is totally student oriented, with the electronic equipments and technologies that assist students and learners becoming them enable to collaborate, find alternatives of choices, and use the critical thinking behaviors in their learning (Jaber, 2007). But the swing of the delivery by the teachers or instructors to the learners or students powerfully guides to a confrontation in modifications. The teaching methodologies that are student centered are challenging the educators for restudying their methods of teachings and the learning methods of student. A research work performed by Ringstaff, Dwyer, and Sandholtz demonstrates that the computer technologies and electronic equipments can be utilized more effectively in collaboration for each and every subject area, but there is a need to take different styles of learning into accounts that enhance the ability of teaching as well as studying or learning.

This kind of teaching that increase its worth by the use of computer based technologies and other electronic equipments requires an alteration and change in the traditional methods of teaching as well as learning. The total time that is needed for learning the use of any technology and the indication of models that contribute together with such computer based technologies (Hadley & Sheingold, 2002). The technologies of this digital world make students and learners enable of becoming more independent and active in their ...
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