Technological Installation In Classrooms

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Technological installation in Classrooms

Incorporating Technology in Preschool

Stages of Development of Preschoolers

The preschool time is an exhilarating and thrilling for the young children. In the stage of a toddler, they already have developed confidence and trust in their caretakers. They already have the sense of freedom in toddler stage now they use their gained trust to further more explore the environment. In this stage they have to learn how to establish their own choices and feel confident about their decisions. They also have to practice about how to take initiatives which should correspond with societal norms. People can notice that there are children in schools and colleges who feel embarrassed to take initiatives. Students who may have not received the needed treatment at this stage face such problems (Tavani, 2012).

Their style of thinking depends on the notion that says what you see is what you get. Appearances are more significant. For example they make friendship on the basis of looks or the collection of toys. Here the elders can help the children learn the desired behavior. The curriculum works out in a certain way as to inculcate the courage of taking initiatives to better explore the world. In this context the curriculum includes the role a teacher in an extremely effective way. Teacher's attitude and thought process can help them a lot. Establishing purposeful conversation develops their language skills. Pulling them into conversations also motivates them to explore the environment (Mason, 2009).

At this stage children require the opportunities to express their curiosity for entities around. They display certain resistance in the learning process and position themselves using many basic characteristics. They become aware about their feelings and others'. To some extent they want to acquire self-control ability. They love to mingle with others and try to resolve prevailing issues in their own capacity. They are able to recognize similarities and differences among people. Teachers will ensure that their children express their feelings in words and tell about their preferences.

Philosophy of Curriculum

Philosophy involves the notion behind the statement of curriculum and approaches towards what we need to establish. Philosophy has to answer all kinds of challenges in the field. My assignment aims to develop a curriculum that focuses on the personal, social, physical, cognitive, creative and aesthetic development of preschoolers. Olivia, the theorist, says that curriculum qualifies a clear set of theoretical constructs to define the principles in it. She says that it is an answer to the order of the courses, career education, behavior and goals and the entire systematic approach (Mason, 2009).

Theoretical Impact

Theoretical impact has been termed as either constructivist or progressive. It talks all about the way children acquire knowledge and exhibit their interpretation. Teachers have to motivate children to explore the objects and deduce assumptions. They should learn how to form opinions about certain things and phenomena (Winston &Edelbach, 2012).

The social-context perspective emphasizes the communal circumstances that bring have math, science and technology together. People assume it as the provoker of 'free ...
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