Team Leadership

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Developing and Leading Teams to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objective

[Name of the Institute]


The Importance of Leading Teams to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objectives3

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Organisation in Measuring Team Performance against Organisational Goals and Objectives3

Role of Leadership in Helping Teams to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objectives5

Ability to Develop Teams7

Review of Personal Abilities to Develop and Lead Team to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objectives7

Implementation of Changes to Own Leadership Style to Develop and Lead Teams Effectively8

Developing and Leading Teams to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objective


MCS-D with a turnover of £12million is a sub unit of Meggitt Plc. the third largest UK aerospace company with a market capitalisation of £3.2 billion. Headquartered in Dorset, UK, it employs around 10,700 employees worldwide (Meggitt, 2013).

Meggitt is engaged in the design and manufacturing of systems and components for the aerospace industry, defence and energy market worldwide. Most of Meggitt customers are secure government contracts and large multinational organisations. Major factors affecting the company are the changing conditions which has increased financial pressure on the organisation. “Both customers and investors have become more risk averse”. This is accompanied by price reductions leading to diminishing revenue and margins. There is now pressure to streamline operations and improve return on capital. Meggitt is also going through a transitional stage of centralising the finance department.

Strategic objective remains, “to deliver upper quartile return through utmost focus upon leadership position in specialist market”. In order to achieve the desired objective, Meggitt must ensure utmost leadership and teamwork to accomplish the desired objectives and goals. Some of predominant goals of Meggitt include improving cash flow, monitoring payment methods, monitoring Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and writing off bad debts.

The Importance of Leading Teams to Achieve Organisational Goals and Objectives

Attaining goals and objectives profitably are the foremost priority of an organisation. This is the reason that organisations prefer leadership in teams to ensure effective achievement of Organisational goals. Leadership is defined as an act of influencing individuals to transform their behaviours for the betterment and success of the organisation.

The foremost responsibility of a leader is to lay a strong and proper foundation. To achieve this impossible task, a leader endures difficulties and challenging situations in bringing individuals together on a common platform. In today's competitive environment, leadership within a team is not just confined to supporting team members; it encompasses much more than just supports (Noe, D. P. 2010).

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Organisation in Measuring Team Performance against Organisational Goals and Objectives

The current objectives and goals of MCS-D in relation to the credit department include;

Maintenance of receivables.

Achieve predefined DSO targets and improve team effectiveness in a strategic context.

Reduction in cost of the department by 10%

Decrease in existing disputes and handle them effectively and promptly

Development of a manual for training, that is effective and aligned with organisational objectives.

Improve the level of cash inflows.

Monitor methods of payment to ensure leadership position in specialist market.

Improve the level of account opening practices (i.e. reducing possibilities to bad debts and ...
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