Team Assignment

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Team Assignment

Team Assignment


The major four functions of administration engage planning, controlling, organising and leading. These functions can be influenced by the internal and external faCtors n a business environment. The external forces that sway the functions of a business encompass sociological, political, economical and technological.(Cooper,1999)

External factors:

Sociological: Includes; the demographic status and trends, work ethics and personal values, and general cultures. This factors influences distinctly on how administration accomplishes its jobs.

Economic and political: Includes; all the essential component such as competitors, suppliers and customers in an open form of business the administration must study the finances and political natural environment for a continual and dynamic relationship.(Cooper,1999)

Technology: Technology has the most spectacular result on business as changes in this external natural environment are often rapidly sensed by firm. As the market can change overnight the administration should be in a position to make decisions that will put the business in a flexible poison to acclimatise with the technological changes.


General Electric has various teams of employees that work in the locality of technological infrastructure acquisition that trial to understand in a more deep way the companies concerns by proposing a flexible solution that meets their technological requirements, their economic structures and their actualisation needs. GE engaged into a conglomerate with an increasing shift from expertise to services, and with 11 major functioning units. These take care of designing and strategies that can be applied so the association can come to the technological innovation the desire. Organising they put in alignment the steps they desire to pursue so the major target can be come to and to have a clear vision of the technological changes they require to implement.

Internal factors

Internal factors or natural environment of a business consists of the organisational resources accessible to accomplish its goals. These are human technological, economic and ...
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