Teaching Mathematics

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Teaching Mathematics to EAL Students

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Teaching Mathematics to EAL Students


It is assumed that learning additional language other than the course subjects can be achieved in two ways. The first method for achieving is during school education or it can also be achieved by selecting English as a subject in the curriculum. Investigations from the linguistic researchers explained the phenomena for learning English language. The research in this respect stated that it takes almost more than seven years for students to learn English as an additional language (EAL) with optimum proficiency as compared to the native English speaker students. In today's learning environment, teachers do consider that student should take the English language classes along with the other courses of their curriculum.

The teachers encourage their students to learn English language as well as participate, and understand their other course subjects. In this consideration, the most important thing is that both the teachers and the students have to make sure that the contents of the subject should link with the objectives, and outcomes of learning English. There should be compatibility between the selections of contents, and the associated learning objectives.

This general rule has been established, and practicing in many educational institutes and universities. However, the guidance which is necessary for establishing the strategies for achieving English language proficiency in a proper context is still in progress. One of the major issues is an appropriate usage of language with respect to the mathematics. Different practical approaches are taking in order to design the contents of course which can support the students who are learning EAL in their mathematics classes. With respect to this concern, some points have been raised. First of all if mathematics is considered as a language then learning English is of less importance with respect to the student's point of view. Similarly, if student develop proficiency in mathematics then learning English for them is does not matter. Therefore, the idea for considering mathematics as a language is useful but complex symbol for learning. For that reason, considering English as an additional language can provide the positive outcomes.

Learning English can support the learners, and students in such a way that it makes easy for developing the understanding with respect to the mathematics as well as they can be able to express their point of views. On the other hand, if the learners do not consider the importance of English as a learning language then they are confined themselves to only mathematical education classrooms. In this way, their chances for erudition and achieving the outcomes from learning English language may be fewer as compared to the progress in this perspective (NALDIC, 2011).


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