Teaching & Learning

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Teaching and Learning in Clinical Practice

Teaching and Learning in Clinical Practice


The topic of teaching and learning in clinical practice is quite important. It has been recognized that a relationship of learning and teaching is usually developed with a more experienced and knowledgeable colleague and is characterized by a significant level of intimacy and emotional attachment. According to work on mentorships, one of the key functions of the role of the teacher is to provide support to namely, career development and psychosocial assistance. The former includes advocacy, coaching, protection, challenging assignments, and exposure and visibility. In essence, career development support helps learn the “ropes” of corporate life and provides guidance as advance in the organization. Psychosocial support, on the other hand, consists of counseling, role modeling, acceptance and confirmation, and friendship. Primarily, psychosocial assistance involves nurturance and emotional support, which enhance the self-confidence, efficacy, and personal growth of a person. Drawing from theory of teaching, it has been proposed that women, because of a shortage of available female mentors, often develop relationships with male mentors. However, cross-gender mentor relationships may be more difficult to initiate than same-gender relationships and may provide fewer career development and psychosocial benefits.


The teaching process, as in any structured system, has three key elements: Additions, preparation, Making Process and Outputs. Like in any process, it also leads to another pair of continuous assessment process that allows each phase mentioned above to receive information about the operation and if necessary to have the elements of improvement or correction. This is usually called a feedback. It is called continuous assessment which encompasses the entire learning process, and refers both to the teacher, the student or the progress of the process. It is the determination of the presence or absence in a student capacity, which has motor skills and knowledge. It also receives information on student motivation, interests, etc. It is the determination of the previous level of skills that students must possess to initiate a process of learning and classification of students through features that are related to forms of learning. They are determined by evaluating the root causes of learning difficulties. Diagnostic evaluation is performed at the beginning of a learning stage, or when in doubt, during which a student has any difficulty. It can be done at the beginning of the course, as the core principle of any theme, or week, or day. It is convenient to be in continuous diagnosis situation. A formative assessment carries the feedback regarding student and the teacher about the progress during the learning process and has an identification of common problems solved by learning to organize activities and recovery. It is usually performed throughout the learning process.

Perception and Cognition of a Learner

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