Taylor's Theosophy

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Taylor's Theosophy

Taylor's Theosophy


American Mark C. Taylor sees the history of art and aesthetics within the last 200 years only theologically. Changes in the development of art are for him not only intrinsic to art events, but are always associated with a belief and understanding of theology. In his book "Disfiguring", Taylor begins with what he calls "Theo aesthetics" in the early 19th Century and ends with an "A / Theo aesthetics" end of the 20th Century.


The "Theo aesthetics" after Taylor takes its starting point the "sublime" in Kant's "Critique of Judgment" and Schleiermacher's aesthetic determination of religion as "the perception of the universe." Both experiences of Kant and. By Schleiermacher, according to Taylor, the show indistinguishable union of aesthetics and religion in painting finds its correspondence about this in Caspar David Friedrich's painting "The Monk by the Sea" (1908-1910). In Schleiermacher - so Taylor -. The aesthetic-religious immediacy experience implements its root in the Jena romanticism around 1790, after Taylor "the first avant-garde" of modernity "The subjectivity of the artist himself in the objective, and the objective nature comes from a subjective artistic production to completion.”Schiller developed there from by Taylor his aesthetic program" for the education of the human race ", Schelling describes this point as a" point of indifference "because the work of art the Absolute breaks into the real." In order to take the truth, you have to pass see through, the particular the universal, "says Taylor. Even Hegel takes to Taylor at this point its output, although it in three steps of his dialectic, aesthetic experience for the benefit of the" "absolute spirit behind can.

After Taylor all these thinkers have in common is that they - as different as their paths in detail may be - according to the "paradise", the "Kingdom of God", so look for a final reconciliation and fulfillment.

The "Theo aesthetics", Taylor's base learns subsequently not an insignificant change. For this purpose, Taylor used the term "Disfiguring". This term is understood very well and nuances of destruction and negation on adjustment, trim, depending on what form, shape or form the "Dis" out of "Disfiguring" applies. The term "Disfiguring" pervades the book in all its stages and in many variations, although it is always about the destruction or disfigurement of a predetermined one. "First Disfiguring means taking away by eliminating characters, symbols, designs and ornaments (Hejduk & Williamson, 2011). Secondly, Disfiguring to spoil ...
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