Sustainable Value

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Sustainable Value through Collaborative Working

Sustainable Value through Collaborative Working


Growing competition among the organizations at the international level, the rapid implementation of innovations and an increasingly demanding and conversant society creates a social and economic environment. The long-established roles of Institutions and societies change as well: the concept of "subsidiary" assumes greater implication in the relations between citizens and governments, corporations and stakeholders, government and corporations, where all have the aim for searching the most effective solutions to the unbalances of globalization and to overcome old antagonisms and more recent conflicts. This process is now being encouraged by promoting International Organizations such as United Nation and European Commission. These organizations uses different tools for the global compact with the aim of fostering socially responsible business practices and attitudes, which can contribute to a sustainable way by generating wealth, development, quality of life and peaceful coexistence (Martin & Eisenhardt, 2010, p. 282).


The concept of sustainability describes the use of a regenerative system in a way that the system remains in its essential characteristics and its existence can be regenerated in a natural way. Sustainability is the characteristic of a process or a state that can be maintained at a certain level. In recent years, this concept has been applied more specifically to living organisms and their ecosystems. With reference to the company the term refers to a balance between satisfying the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Ibarra & Hansen, 2011, p 70). The term, in its utilization in the environment, refers to the potential longevity of a support system for human life, such as the climate of the planet, the system agricultural, industrial, forestry, the fisheries, and human communities that generally depend on these different systems. In particular, this longevity is related with the influence that human activity has on the systems themselves (Armstrong & Keston, 2007, p. 120).

Collaborative behaviours

Collaboration framework refers to involvement of diverse membership drawn from all stakeholders in the technology development process. It is an alliance of people bounded by the interest to see that the project succeeds; and that this success is achieved by ensuring that the technology being developed meets the needs of the people, compatible with their socio-cultural lifestyle and is environmentally friendly. The relationship may be formal or informal; it may be temporary or permanent. It is not bound by social status, political affiliation or geographical boundaries.

Different management solutions can be integrated, but what makes the difference is how whole system is designed and how they are integrated in it the different tools for sharing and collaboration. Companies are collections of people working in teams, which are coordinated to achieve common objectives (Hemmati, 2002). These organizations are dynamic in nature and their workforce play different roles which often vary and adapt continually changing circumstances and situations. Collaboration and teamwork is necessary to share information, discuss, negotiate, plan, prepare and approve projects and programs of action, performance and carry out different tasks ...
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