Sustainable Fashion

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Mainstreaming Sustainability: A case of Fashion Industry

Mainstreaming Sustainability: A case of Fashion Industry


Fashion and sustainability can be termed as contradictory terms. How can clothes be sustainable principles and at the same time trendy and modern? Sustainability in terms of fashion would not be seen only due to the used organic cotton, to the consideration and fair treatment of farmers on the plantations, but also in their durability and quality. When we talk about sustainable fashion, it should not be seen only as an environmentally and ethically yes made, durable, product, but should also possess the fashion aspect in it. Fashion is equated in our minds with the latest trend, latest pattern and cut. What was high modern yesterday is already old news and the fashion market with its industries and designers prescribes what is starting tomorrow in the trend.


Types of Fashion

The current fashion industry is dominated by two fashion types i.e. fast fashion and slow fashion. Fast fashion means the fashion, appearing shortly after the fashion shows in Paris, New York, etc. in the fashion houses, just a short time later to disappear from the shop windows and become guardians' cabinet (Thomas, 2008, pp. 525-539). Big fashion houses are also involved in the rapid pace, as recently found in their homes not only, as previously usual two collections per year, but also collections and collaborations with other fashion houses. In this way they show and convince the customers that it is worth to constantly renew the wardrobe, especially if a T-shirt does not cost much more than a coffee.

Another sub-title of the fast fashion trends is McFashion, as in the case of fashion as empty calories acts which, although they fill the closet, but not the hunger for more silent. The cost of production and go fast fashion cycle at the expense of workers, the environment, climate and the health of those who wear the clothes at the end because cotton is a commodity whose production in the coming years is expected to increase (Yan,, 2012, pp. 151-168). This also relates to the oil, which is used as a basis for polyester. Thus, many providers swing in the processing of fibers from renewable resources. This includes for example rayon, which is produced on the basis of wood.

Kristin Brodde, textile expert from Greenpeace, said: 'The more the clothes are made, the greater the burden on the environment as in the production of hundreds of different chemicals are used, including dyes, dyeing and bleaching agents and additional substances belong.' They ensure that clothes are handy, less wrinkling, shine more or that leather does not mold. Countries like China, India and Bangladesh are particularly affected, which are mainly responsible for the production of our textiles (Ulasewicz & Hethorn, 2008, pp. 12-25). According to a study of the wastewater Chinese factories that supply among others German and international textile companies, long-lived toxic chemicals were found in these wastewaters, but the danger is not only for the residents of toxic chemicals ...
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