Sustainability-Based Project

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Sustainability-based project

Sustainability-based project for the Bloomington (IN) community

The Delta Group Sustainability has gathered to provide a simple and succinct text and forwarded its points in the basic conceptualization of what is a sustainable work, and the procedures that will lead to more immediate action towards reducing the environmental impact of civil works in the Bloomington Community.

Project Objective

First of all it is necessary to know some basic concepts that should guide the development of the project in search of a better sustainability. They are:

Sustainability is not a goal to be achieved. It is a difficult situation, and a process that need to be followed.  All work in this area is made ??with the intentions of renewing it continuously and progressively. These genuine goals must be truly committed to the values ??of the client, namely the Bloomington Community, the user and the community where the work is initiated. Knowing the values ??of the client, and understanding the design are vital before coming to decisions and initiating the project. This will result in a more sustainable work. This is the demand of current society.

Sustainability is based on three aspects: environmental, economic and social, and all must coexist in equilibrium. As these aspects represent independent variables, the resulting choices will be different in each situation presented. Therefore, there is no recipe or absolute calculation that determines what should be done or not, for a project to walk in the direction of greater sustainability. The proposal for each project is the result of specific choices which are unique and original.

The search for the path to greater sustainability lies with all those involved in the design and execution of the built environment. It is a collective work (networked) where everyone must do their part, while encouraging others to do so. Decisions must be the result of concerted action with other designers, managers, consultants, vendors, implementers and users, to the extent that this choice can constrain the actions that would be effected by the other.

The certification process enters this as an acknowledgment of a work, without, however, being a faithful representation. One reason for this dichotomy is that there is no proper processing conditions such as regional cultural, economic and physical to allow a real evaluation of the result obtained by the effort of making a project more sustainable. The certification criteria, therefore, will be used as auxiliary reference, but not decisive in the choice of materials and construction systems.

The basic principles of sustainable construction are linked to issues of:

Environmental quality (internal and external)

Reduction of energy consumption

Reduction of waste

Reduction of water consumption

Use of local natural conditions

Deployment and Analysis Surrounding

Recycle, reuse and reduce waste


Achieving the Objectives

The list of procedures presented here is intended as a guideline for the project which intends to adopt sustainability as a design criterion, and aims to demonstrate basic actions which may be important in the pursuit of a more sustainable result, significantly levied without increasing the cost of the work. Developing an architectural design with improved environmental performance is to taking the design into account with regards to the efficient use of energy, water, ...
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