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Most acquiesce that science and technology are the key to conceiving a sustainable society. Scientific discovery leads to new technologies that may help in sustainable development. However, this does not necessarily suggest a linear path. Ideally, better scientific information leads to technological discovery, which in turn leads to industrial innovation. It is rather widespread for this sequence to happen out of order. Take for demonstration the steam engine. James Watt created the steam motor well before the laws of thermodynamics were understood. Still to this day the steam motor and heat cycles are used to educate thermodynamics.(Costanza, 45) So, untainted science will not be relied upon solely to conceive a sustainable world.


In 2002, the international community held the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. Look into any present issue in the realm of ecological science and undoubtedly you will arrive across the period sustainability. Sustainability and sustainable development have made their way into the ecological lexicon in full force. Sustainable development is the balancing of social and financial development with ecological protection. It is a paradigm shift from striving to minimize waste to conceiving absolutely no waste. Three pillars of sustainable development have arrive to be renowned as persons, prosperity, and planet. A sustainable society continues to accelerate socially and economically without compromising the proficiency of future generations to manage the same.

Ironically, it is often new expertise and industrial discovery that conceive barriers to sustainability. Modern derivatives of Watt's motor are used to heat and power the world. They are at the heart of our electrical power and vehicles, yet they are amidst the biggest polluters of the planet. Most significantly, they compromise the long period viability of our biosphere.(Daly, 88) Most often, is the second alignment effects of expertise that are so harmful. It is not the steam motor itself that harms the natural environment but the waste gasses that are produced. Resolving such conflicts is a key challenge.

Fossil fuels are actually the prime power source for our planet and are an insurmountable burrier to sustainability. Energy conservation and renewable power sources are considered to be the most viable alternatives to fossil fuels. Nuclear power is an exceedingly appealing solution to the problem. (Costanza, 45) This is because atomic power produces no gaseous waste, and on a day to day basis appears to conceive no waste at all. However, the long period radioactive waste made may be much more detrimental to the planet when considering far into the future. Currently, conservation is considered to be the most promising, viable, and dignified solution. It is more feasible to use less power than to eradicate second alignment effects. (Daly, 88)

One may often discover sustainable development, sustainable community, sustainable industry, and sustainable agriculture and marvel what these terms mean. Sustainability is associated to the value of life in a community, if the financial, social, and ecological systems that make up the community are supplying a wholesome, creative, significant life for all community residents, present and future (Hart, 4). Sustainability also is ...
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