Survey Response

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Survey Response

Survey Response

The meaning of customer service is assisting customers. The purpose is to make them feel comfortable and respected. As a result a staff member should provide their service to satisfy customer needs and expectations. Staffs need to be well prepared to suit for all different customers. Customer service is one of the most important ingredients of the marketing mix for services. High quality customer service helps to create customer loyalty. Customers today are not only interested in the product they are being offered but all the additional elements of service that they receive from the greeting they receive when they enter a retail outlet, to receive refund when they have a complaint about a faulty product that they have paid for(Hisey 1994).

As customer's first impression is lasting and deeply, staffs use appropriately communication skills with prompt and courteous service to greet and show empathy, listen and provide feedback, use verbal and nonverbal behavior and problem-solve and consult customers. A positive impression will create goodwill and relationship between them and the organization. First of all, attentive to the customer in the process of service. Secondly, concentrate on the issue, not the person, then, target key points. After that, investigate with questions and verify customer's need. At last, energize your response. (Frederick 2002)

Survey Analysis

To be successful, company should provide product and service information such as telephone number and internet site to help them know more about this company. It is much easier to compare with other companies for customers. In addition, by building relationships with customers you are able to gatherfeedback about all aspects of the product and service delivery. Furthermore, the member of the company should deal with difficult situations. Different approaches are implemented to treat different types of customers. Some customers are impatient, frustrated, therefore, be professional, avoid getting personally involved, calm them down as quickly as possible, sort out any problems in private as a public airing may be embarrassing, apologize for any problems or use assertive skills could be achieved. To deal with rude customers always stay cool and ignore rudeness, it is not necessarily personal - these customers may be like this with everyone. Try to speak clearly, offer helpful suggestions and keep to the point so you are not sidetracked into an argument. Another part of customers are boring. So try not to show your boredom and use directive or closed questions to bring them to come to the point. Then, keep them to the point and use body language. Furthermore, the company should respond to customers with special needs such as differences in cultural and so on. (Dwyer 2006)

When asked what customer service excellence generally meant, it was stated that customers simply want to be viewed as people instead of commission and sales revenue. Customers want to have a positive experience when they enter a retail store and always want to be served politely and promptly. They want salespeople to be honest with them and try to have their best interests at ...
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