[Analysis of the Capital structure of T-Mobile & Vodafone]
I would first like to express my gratitude for my research supervisor, colleagues, and peers and family whose immense and constant support has been a source of continuous guidance and inspiration.
I [type your full first names & surname here], declare that the following dissertation/thesis and its entire content has been an individual, unaided effort and has not been submitted or published before. Furthermore, it reflects my opinion and take on the topic and is does not represent the opinion of the University.
Research Objectives
To understand the improvement and customer preferences in Telecom Sector.
To study the service providers and their service quality in the Telecom Sector.
To study the customer satisfaction and understand the current market scenario in Telecom Sector.
Sample size : 100
Sample frame : Vodafone and T-mobile
Sampling Method : Simple random sampling
Constraints : Time, number of respondents
Sampling error : Non-response- 16 Response- 84
Survey : Questionnaire was administered to the top managers and marketing communication personnel belonging to both the chosen firms
Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is research involving the use of structured questions where
The response options have been predetermined and a large number of respondents are involved. By definition, measurement must be objective, quantitative and statistically valid. Simply put, it's about numbers, objective hard data. A scientifically calculated sample of people (100) from a population was asked a set of questions on a survey to determine the frequency and percentage of their responses because the sample size is statistically valid, the 79% finding can be projected to the entire population from which the sample was selected.
The sample size for a survey was calculated by statisticians using formulas to determine how large a sample size will be needed from a given population in order to achieve findings with an acceptable degree of accuracy. Generally, researchers seek sample sizes which will yield findings with at least a 95% confidence level (which means that if you repeated the survey 100 times, 95 times out of a hundred, you would get the same response) and a plus/minus 5 percentage points margin of error. Many survey samples are designed to produce smaller margins of error.
Survey sample and structure designs involve survey question writing and testing, criteria for selecting appropriate methods and technologies for collecting information from various kinds through survey of respondents, survey administration and statistical analysis. However, due to their technical nature, these topics are not covered in this brief.
Data collected from all the sources for both the companies was compared and then statistically validated and graphically presented in the following categories:
Share price performance
Financial analysis of Vodafone activity Asset utilization
DuPont Analysis
Bonds and Equity issues
Limitations & Delimitations of the study
A major strength is that organizations were selected from a number of different industries to improve generalizability. The use of purposive sampling is another strength that is very constructive for conditions when the researcher would like to reach a targeted collection of the people being sampled number of limitations of our study must ...