Survey Design To Assess The Quality Of Healthcare Facility

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Survey Design to Assess the Quality of Healthcare Facility

Survey Design to Assess the Quality of Healthcare Facility


Surveys are considered as the best research methods to acquire appropriate information regarding quality of healthcare from both, providers' and patients' end. However, it is essential that the survey and questionnaire design must assure high quality results (Kelley, Clark, Brown, & Sitzia, 2003). This paper is aimed to describe the reasons to acquire Likert scale questionnaire in order to assess the quality of healthcare facility. It will also present the description of certain factors, which must be included in designing the questionnaire. These factors are comprised of the domain of healthcare facility. In addition, this paper will also provide the importance of appropriate sampling, which assures the enhancement in the quality of the survey process along with the results.

Survey Design

In order to assess the quality of healthcare facility, survey research is considered as the most feasible and appropriate research designs. However, it is significantly important that the design of survey must be developed on the basis of appropriate questionnaire design and survey methods. Keeping this in considerations, the selected survey design to assess the quality of healthcare facility is face-to-face survey design (Brace, 2008). The survey, which will be used to assess the research question, is a questionnaire based survey. In this survey, the researcher will design a questionnaire, in which all of the important factors relating to the assessment of quality in healthcare will be included. The questionnaire will be designed on the basis of Likert scale or agreement scale. The Likert scale or agreement scale is the type of questionnaire design, in which the respondents are required to rate the provided statements. These ratings are usually ranging from 1 to 5, and the numbers are assigned to the responses of agreement on the statement or disagreement on the statement (Brace, 2008).

In this questionnaire based survey design, the researcher will conduct the face-to-face interview, but the respondent will be provided with the designed questionnaire based on Likert scale, and he will be asked to fill the questionnaire according to his perception or experience. After the acquisition of responses, the respondent will also be asked for providing his personal experience, which is not addressed in the Likert scale statements (Faltin, Kenett, & Ruggeri, 2012).

Factors to Include for Designing Questions

Healthcare facility has several essential factors in order to assess its quality. These important factors are intrinsically associated among every healthcare provider. These factors firstly include the behavior of staff towards the patients and their families. It is significantly important that the patient and his family must be treated with care and kind behavior. In this domain, the most important section is of nursing staff whose well being and kind behavior determine the quality providence of healthcare. Doctoral staff is also important to behave kindly in disclosing the disease of any patient (The Victorian Quality Council, 2008). The second important factor is the utility of updated machinery and its operators. The quality of healthcare is ...
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