Surveillance Algorithm

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Surveillance Algorithm

Surveillance Algorithm


Surveillance is the process of motoring or observing or compiled record of different incidence. In the field of medical science, it is necessary for doctors or medical professionals to keep the records of diseases, patient's information, and history of disease etc (Jeffery, 2013). Algorithm is basically the design methodology or method of calculation used for solving different operations.

HIV virus is now spreading all over the world (Kulldorff, 2001). This disease is commonly the result of insecure sex. It may also caught by using infected syringes and use same needle for the purpose of taking drugs. It is necessary for keeping a record of HIV patients because they can infect other people also.


Chosen Indicator

An indicator expresses the requirement of algorithm. It is a measureable, specific and observable feature that may be utilize to express the alterations or program progress is used for achieving desired result (Ma, 2013). It is necessary for the medical professionals to design some algorithm or measuring technique to calculate the ratio of people suffering from this disease.

Surveillance Algorithm

This surveillance algorithm is designed for preservation of HIV in other people of the world. It is based on software, which collects information from different hospitals of the world and maintains the record of HIV patients (Brookmeyer, 1994). It works on data provided by hospital management and by mean of internet data transmitted all over the world in order to save other people from this lethal disease.

Logical Process

Algorithm consists of several steps to perform a specific job or solve a particular dilemma. This process involves the collection of information of people suffering from HIV in different parts of the country (Taubenberger, 2006). It is necessary to prevent other people from this disease. This disease can be spread by using affected syringe, ...
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