Nsa & Fisa

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Intelligence agencies are vital for the survival of any country in this complex world. In the context of this paper we tend to analyze the role of the NSA. However, we also intend to shed light on the FISA

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National Security Agency3

My Opinion4





Intelligence agencies in the context of the security of any country tend to play a very vital role and are often seen as the backbone concerning the unseen dangerous a country might face. Thus, many countries tend to equip its intelligence agencies to serve and guard the motherland against all the odds. However, the problem arises when the intelligence agencies tends to abuse the power at their disposal. The fact should be kept in mind that the 'Abuse' is here translated as when the resources which intelligence agencies possess tends to be used against the citizens of the country. Therefore, in the context of this paper we intend to shed light on the role of the National Security Agency (NSA). However, to limit the role of the intelligence agencies different countries adopt different mechanism thus in the light of this paper we intend to shed light on the role of the FISA and its background.



The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is the act of the congress of the United States of America which stood enacted on 25th October 1978. This law serves various purposes which are essential for the security of the United States. However, the primary objective of this law is to ensure that foreign intelligence is collected and interpreted in order to meet the security needs of the United States. It also tends to perform the counter intelligence operations all in the interest of the Unites States of America. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act tends to draw its roots from the allegations against the FBI, CIA and similar spying agencies. This, law however, meant to reduce if not fully stop the abuses on the domestic spying on the American citizens. Different intelligence agencies tend to adopt different mechanism to spy on the individual s which tends to seem harmful to the interests of the country. However, the circle of the FISA extends to include the American and non-American citizens within the territory of the United States of America who tend to cause any kind of harm to the security of the land. Many experts tend to see the role of the FISA as a tool to limit the powers of the intelligence agencies against its own citizens.

Under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, arrests, searches whether it is of the person or his or her property can only be done if permitted by the concerned authority and only if the serious circumstances prevail (Elizabeth, 2008). The FISA regulates the circumstances under which the Attorney General in collaboration with the FBI or other intelligence agency tends to serve a warrant against the foreign forces.

The term foreign forces is interpreted here as the individual who with the ...
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