Summary Of The Articles

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Summary of the Articles

Summary of the Articles

Article 1

Title: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labor for reducing perineal trauma

Journal: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Published: 2011, Issue: 2, Type of Study: Mix Method used secondary data from Cochrane library and assessed eight trials of randomly selected women's.

Key: Main objective of the study was to analyze the effect of perineal techniques during the second stage of labor during the perineal trauma.

Variables: Independent variable was the trails and dependent variable was perineal trauma.

Sample size: The sample size used in the study was 11,651 randomly selected women in 6 countries.

Sampling Method: The method that was used for evaluation was methodological data evaluation by finding out the risk percentages.

Test: The data was tested through the Meta analysis test.

Themes: The study was able to find out that the warm compresses are associated with a reduction of perineal trauma; the perineal technique was acceptable and was offered to women's.

Size: The size of data collected is huge thus it has led to varied results.

Recommendation: The study should have used more resources instead of just relying on the data collected from Cochrane library. The researchers should also include from several medical journals to provide sufficient information to the women's about perineal trauma.

Strengths: The data collected through random sample has enabled the researchers to find out the risk faced by women's in present time and have increased the authenticity of the article.

Weaknesses: The article has not mentioned the techniques directly that could reduce the perineal trauma among women's. The conclusion drawn from the data collected is not sufficient and thus it needs to be improved by including more information.

Article 2

Title: Antenatal Perineal Massage

Journal: Oxford Radcliffe Hospital Review and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Year: 2006, Issue: 1, Type of Study: Qualitative, Key: The study provides the techniques, time and ways to perform antenatal perineal massage in cases of pain faced by women's.

Variables: The article is an independent study thus there are no variables.

Sampling: No sampling as the study dependents on the secondary data collected from different articles, reviews and medical journals.

Recommendation: In order to increase the interest of the people and make it more reliable the authors should have included practical information so that people could have relied on the ways and techniques provided in the study.

Strength: The major strength of the study is that it has in detail provided the information about the perineal pain, then it has also included the remedies for the women's that how can the take a antenatal perineal massage and when does it occurs. The article has also mentioned steps that a women can follow at home to perform the perineal massage.

Weaknesses: Although the article is a great source of information for the women's but the lack of practical information creates questions about the reliability of the information provided in the article. The major question regarding the authenticity of the article is that the information or the ways mentioned in the study are successful or ...
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