Summary Of Four Articles

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Summary of Four Articles

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Summary of “Global warming: Climate change and evolution”

The world is becoming hotter with every passing day and many people are still denying of this scientifically proved fact. This is basically the main idea of this article as the average temperature of the Earth as a whole is not stable but varies with time, as evidenced by analysis of geological layers. The fact that worries many people at present is the acceleration of the phenomenon, which now occurs at a rate unmatched in the past. Thus, since the late nineteenth century, a hundred years ago, the average global temperature rose 0.6 degrees. Worse, the computer simulations suggest that warming will accelerate and the average temperature could therefore increase by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees by the end of the century. The term global in this article refers to the temperature as the author mainly argues that the temperature is raising and many people are still not accepting this change.

For providing better understanding of the facts the author than relates the situation to evolution of feathers, as many people in the beginning denied the many facts regarding evolution of species but later on they had to accept when such theory was endorsed by the scientists. The main point is when an inconvenient truth comes out things are different. So people who are now turning their faces away from these facts would have to accept it, but they should accept it now before it's too late (The Economist (a), 2011).

Summary of “The Economist Intelligence Unit's quality-of-life index”

In addition to traditional indices of morbidity and mortality in recent years, new instruments for measuring quality of life were developed. One application of these new measures is the assessment of living style of people using various factors that can affect their life. This type of evaluation is generally based on self-administered questionnaires. The construction methodology and analysis of these questionnaires is established and recognized by the scientific community.

In this context, the quality of life is now part of the criteria that integrate readily assessment work, whether assessing the effects of disease or to compare the impact of alternative strategies or yet to assess affects of assorted factors.

A survey to measure the quality of life of people living in this world has been conducted by The Economist under “The Economist Intelligence Unit's quality-of-life index” in which the quality of life ...
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