Successful Ageing

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Successful ageing

Successful ageing

Concept of successful ageing

The concept of successful ageing defines the resilience of countering all the symptoms of ageing which represent the older age. There are some changing patterns possible in the physical as well as mental health by the arrival of an individual in the older age group. The immunity to face all those factors of ageing and maintain the physical and mental health properly is known as successful ageing. There are two sorts of approaches which can be used to understand the successful ageing. First is psychosocial approach and second is biomedical approach. There are a lot ways which can be useful to make ageing successful to reduce health risk at the certain age. Some of the important components which can be very much useful and supportive to reduce those risks which can affect the health of person due to increase in age (Franks, 1994).

Empirical Findings for successful ageing criteria

There are certain indicators of successful ageing which can be specified in to functional autonomy, longevity and physical health. It has been taken from relevant readings that better physical health cannot be regarded as fundamental component of successful ageing because according to authentic sources the loss in physical health is directly parallel to increase in age. The person who undergoes autonomy might lose his social strength and can go in the isolation but the physical health of the person not that much affect the successful ageing. Sleep.

The most important role in ensuring the longevity belongs to sleep. Persistent sleep disturbances in accelerating the aging process. The most common requirements for the night: he must be calm and restore vital functions. If you sleep you feel fresh and rested, then it is good evidence that restoration of power has been given the necessary time. Poor sleep quality and duration of the show its lack of a characteristic way: you cannot get up in the morning without an alarm clock, you find it hard to concentrate on something, you feel sluggish, you feel as though blunt, well-being in general, and the mood could be spoiled by the whole day, you're irritable and hot-tempered in communication. For an elderly person an active lifestyle during the day is of particular importance in the prevention of insomnia.

Components of successful ageing

Some researchers suggested around twenty key components of successful ageing, and the top five among them were taking care of the health, being active, living a happy life, physical workout or activity and being optimistic and positive. Two researchers conducted a survey on British people aged above 50 and found out that to them successful aging included psychological factors, social factors, finances, neighbourhood etc. out of these health and social factors top the list. It was in 1990, when World Health Organization came up with this terminology of successful ageing. Successful ageing means more than Healthy ageing. It encompasses additional factors that are required to keep an aged person healthy in terms of his social and economic activities (Gingold, 1999).

Healthy ageing means being healthy ...
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