Substance Abuse In Schools

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Substance abuse in Schools

Substance abuse in Schools


Substance abuse is one of the most widespread disorders that Americans are faced with. It is a disorder that affects persons from all walks of life and slashes over all gender, racial, devout and socioeconomic barriers. For so numerous who bear from addictions they do not ever get a change to obtain the help they want or need. Things like videos, TV, the newspapers and celebrities do not help affairs by glamorizing addiction. Many times we don't get to glimpse the entire picture, just how devastating an addiction can be not only on the one-by-one but on the family as well. Drug treatment centers and alcohol rehab programs are some of the few ways people can find help dealing with their addictions (Pham-Kanter, 2001). Treatment center can be a protected environment where people can deal with their addiction withdrawals as well as recognising core matters behind their pharmaceutical use. People furthermore find support in other ones considering with alike issues. Unfortunately it can take numerous visits to a rehab center before persons deal with their addictions. This may be because admittance to a rehab facility is short period and can't deal with all the centre issues requiring to be addressed; furthermore there is the topic of persons being court organised and with the culmination of their mandated remedy they resume their vintage lifestyle.


Substance abuse can be defined as a condition resulting from regular use of a drug such that its withdrawal causes emotional distress (psychological dependence) or physical illness (physical dependence). Drugs causing psychological dependence include cannabis, LSD and the nicotine in tobacco. Physical dependence is associated with such drugs as morphine, heroin, barbiturates and alcohol. Withdrawal of these drugs causes unpleasant symptoms that disappear on taking further doses (Wagennar, 2000). Over dosage of such drugs is common and can be fatal.

A compulsive need for and use of a custom forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by broad mindedness and by well defined psychological symptoms upon pulling out. Individuals prior to being monitored positive or being diagnosed use alcohol or other drugs in order to try to feel normal. This may help the individual feel better, however, only for a very short period of time (hours). Self medicating complicates matters and intensifies disorders.

Physical dependence is invariably associated with severe psychological dependence and requires special treatment. Substance abuse is not particular to any age group or section of the society though researchers have discovered that certain factors do contribute towards an individual's tendency to use them on a regular basis. However it is alarming to note that adolescent substance abuse has been on the rise in recent years and has had a number of detrimental effects on both the society and the person using the drug (Wagennar, 2000, p.21).

Demographics and Community Resources

Many organizations will specialize in just this area, families who are addicted. It is a unique inpatient home like setting for families who are looking to be ...
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