Substance Abuse

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Culturally Adapted Family-Centered Treatment


In this paper, we will be discussing the substance abuse and family-centered treatment that are adopted in order to prevent children and their growing needs. We will also be discussing that why children are more exposed to substance abuse and how family support can prevent such exposure to the usage of drug. In addition, activities are also discussed in order to understand the role of the family in the life of the child and how can families support a better living for the child.

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Culturally Adapted Family-Centered Treatment


Substance abuse involves the overuse of, dependency on, and/or addiction to nonfood items, natural or synthetic that changes an individual's body and/or mind because of their chemical composition. In general, the use of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine tend to be the most abused substances that often require regimented treatment approaches for successful cessation. Although surveys have demonstrated that substance abuse has been decreasing since the early 2000s in the United States, it still remains a problematic behavior that affects youth, families, employers, co-workers, schools, and communities. Prevention and intervention programs have attempted to address the issue of substance abuse using a variety of methods across several ecological levels, such as the individual, the family, the school, and the community. Whereas some programs, such as Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) and other community antidrug programs operate mostly to prevent initial drug use (Slade et al. 2008).

In this paper, we will be discussing a family-centered treatment for substance abuse on childhood or adolescence that are more exposed to the risk of getting involved in heavy usage of drugs. Also, if they start using drugs at initial stage of their lives, they become highly addicted towards it and it becomes difficult to prevent them from using drugs. Therefore, we will be discussing the family-centered therapy that can prevent such children from getting involved in such activities.


It has been observed that some events in childhood or adolescence may promote addiction:

Excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs by parents;

The interrogation or discovery by the young person filiation hidden by parents;

The loss of a brother or sister.

The father is separated from the mother.

Regardless of the ethnic or cultural groups, children are more prone to the risk of getting involved in the usage of drugs than adults if they are facing family or educational issues in their life. For this purpose, the family-centered treatment targets families, who are at high risk because they face multiple risk factors or they are exposed to one risk factor (Lennings et al. 2006).

Risk factors for substance abuse and crime exist across multiple levels, including the community, school, family, and individual. Therefore, prevention programs can be implemented at any one of these levels or across more than one level. For example, school- or individual-based prevention programs may provide education, information, and awareness about drugs and their associated effects, peer pressure resistance skills, and decision-making skills. Family-based prevention strategies can focus on enhancing family ...
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