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Coping With Stress

Coping With Stress


Unemployment is a difficult and complicated to live. We are waiting, it seems that we will never find work, they self-doubt, of his ability. One gets the impression that we will no longer be able to return to work. Meanwhile, knowledge evolves; it seems to lose its capacity. Sometimes you lose your job because working conditions were difficult, we were unjustly accused of things and we need to talk (Wilson, 2001).


It is important to manage stress:

To know exactly why we lost her job.

Find and maintain the trust.

Continue to actively seek.

To keep fit.

To have activities other than to seek work.

To ask if we are unable to start his own business to be his own boss.

Often the loss of a job is a lot of hard feelings, crisis conditions. You need to know about them. When people understand how to precede the event, they can influence them, to protect themselves from negative emotions, or at least psychologically prepare for them. After crushing burden often experienced person prevents him from concentrating on solving urgent problems.

Psychologists have long studied this problem. They have identified several phases in the development of specific stress conditions.

Phase 1 - the state of uncertainty and shock. This is a very difficult experience, especially when job loss occurred suddenly (sudden reduction in staff, the quarrel with the head, etc.). It is important that the confusion and fear serve as risk factors for which the person becomes susceptible to other troubles: illness, accident.

Phase 2 - offensive subjective relief and psychological adaptation to the situation. This phase usually lasts 3-4 months after losing their jobs.

Phase 3 - loading condition. It comes after 6-7 months of unemployment. By this time, usually worsens the financial and social situation of the person. There is a shortage of active behavior, limiting the communication, the destruction of living habits, interests and goals. Forces to confront the trouble are getting smaller and smaller.

Phase 4 - helplessness and reconciliation with the situation. It is a serious psychological condition can occur even in the absence of financial difficulties, such as when a person receives unemployment benefits (Gould, 2000).

When the stress is prolonged, health deteriorates. The musculoskeletal disorders (back pain, tendinitis) also affects occupations where physical labor is minimal. "The cardiovascular risk? Yes. The relationship between professional stress factors and the risk of cardiovascular event have also been widely demonstrated. "The psychological” Yes. Studies suggest that stress increases the risk of anxiety and depression by a factor of two or three. Although these disorders are associated with other risk factors, it is still the most frequent pathologies today in occupational medicine. "The MSD”? Yes. Back pain, handles, elbows, tendonitis ... these diseases is called TMS, are surging. The purely mechanical stress-related conditions (lifting or carrying heavy loads, for example) are not the only culprits. The evidence, the TMS also affect occupations where physical labor is minimal, while the psychological pressure, however, is very important. The set of stressors at work dissatisfaction, lack of ...
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