Strategizing For Innovation And Change

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Strategizing for Innovation and Change

Strategizing for Innovation and Change

Strategizing for Innovation and Change


The strategy can be defined in terms of what a company can do. That is, their strengths and weaknesses. And how likely is faced. In other words, the external environment opportunities and threats. Similarly, the strategy is a plan that aims to give the company a competitive advantage over rivals through differentiation. Refers to know and understand what you do, what you want to be and most importantly focus on how to get there. At a strategic interest in technology and innovation is much more recent. Today, technology management and its inclusion in the strategy of the company are ideas that are fully accepted. 

The strategies used to generate technological innovation in an organization can be a sustainable source that will significantly improve the services, processes, systems management companies and products. Allowing create innovative actions with the use of technology and knowledge to facilitate assertiveness in decision-making and efficient resource management.  Technological innovation strategy is defined as the process to organize and direct the available resources, both human, technical and economic, in order to increase the creation of new knowledge, generate ideas that lead to new products, processes and services or improve existing, and transfer those same ideas to the manufacturing and marketing stages (Pavon and Hidalgo, 1997). The management strategy of an enterprise technology usually developed keeping in mind three elements or complementary axes:




It is a common mistake to make business strategy and technology strategy will separate. As shown in Figure 1, the technological strategy is only one of the elements necessary to define the strategy of technological innovation. Not enough to determine which technologies should be acquired and how, but also what products you want in the market.

Similarly, the technology strategy should serve to strengthen and support the competitive strategy, at least on equal footing with other functional departments. Consequently, a company must develop the technology that best supports competitive strategy. A systematic examination of all the technologies of the company disclosed the existence of activities that allow cost reductions or facilitate differentiation, both in the global market as a segment of it (Fernandez, 2005). Generally, organizations strategies are not based on a prospective vision to make its use objectively. Similarly, the knowledge generated through the incorporation of new technologies are not integrated into core business processes.

This article describes the key elements for effective technological innovation strategy in organizations. It starts with the explanation of the types of technological innovation strategies that exist in companies, which must be aligned to the vision set out in the organization. It also refers to knowledge management according to business needs, which is critical to maintaining the sustainability and evolution of organizations. After defining the necessary tools for innovation strategy. Also proposed some guidelines regarding the types of technological innovation strategy, knowledge management and the tools needed to create an effective innovation strategy in organizations. Finally, we conclude with the definition tech-knowledge cycle as indispensable to synchronize the strategy of technological innovation, knowledge management and the tools to create innovation ...
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