Strategies For Globally Responsible Leadership

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Strategies for Globally Responsible Leadership

Strategies for Globally Responsible Leadership

Portfolio Question 1

Corporate Social Responsibility and its impact on Leadership

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), can be called in many ways, the term corporate sustainability, corporate governance, are also used in this context. Corporate social responsibility can be explained in the context of doing voluntary actions for the betterment of the society, and help in improving the economic, social, and environment by the corporations, with their due responsibility, and aim for enhancing the competitive edge (Cannon, 2002, pp. 65). CSR aims for excellence within the company, taking with special attention to people and their working conditions and the quality of their production processes (Martin, 2002, pp. 56).

Corporate social responsibility provides value maximization to the shareholders, and a clear vision of the goal of the corporation and the purpose of its existence which helps the share holders to increase their interest. It provides a dedication of achieving the goals of the organization among managers and shareholders. Shareholders remain informed about the company's performance and get knowledge of company's future goals and objective. It gives control to the share holders about the investment and equity related decisions.

A corporate governance mechanism increases the chances of success and growth. It gives the opportunity to shareholders to get necessary information about the company's performance (Cannon, 2002, pp. 65). Shareholders have access to the investment detail, and transparency of information boosts their confidence in investing more money (Carlisle, 2004, pp. 143-52).

It is counted amongst the basic roles of a leader to associate him or her in a process or taking the initiative and allows the entire team to become a part of it. However, on the other hand governance is also rendered by many experts as the means for consistent leadership (Aldwell, Hayes & Long 2010. pp. 510). The whole idea of Governance tends to stand on the grounds of managing the people on a lower level whereas; the notion of leadership tends to be defined as taking a large number of people together (Gilbert 2009, pp.12). . However, it is the leadership which can have a direct impact on the governance. However, in the course of the paper the subject tends to be discussed through various aspects in order to develop a better understanding of the subject (James, 2010, pp.43).

Hyundai's Corporate Social Responsibility

The corporate social responsibility at Hyundai-Kia is an integral part of its corporate strategy. Hyundai-Kia has incorporated the concept of sustainable development in its operations including the effective utilization of the resources and adoption of adequate practices to improve waste management process. According to the leaders of Hyundai-Kia, the internal procedures, laws and regulations of Hyundai-Kia are subjected to diverse systems of ethical evaluation. The stake holders of Hyundai-Kia confirm that the codification of behavior for Hyundai-Kia that has always been a constant practice and a strength of the corporation. Hyundai-Kia has always supported appropriate working conditions for its workers; hence, the major concern for the corporation was stable workplace ...
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