Strategic Planning & Marketing In Health Care

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Strategic Planning & Marketing in Health Care

Strategic Planning & Marketing in Health Care

Social media and technology tools it involves

Conventionally, customers and clients utilized the Internet to merely use content. Customers comprehended the content, they observed it, and they utilized it to purchase products and services. More and more, conversely, customers are making use of platforms for instance social networking, content sharing websites, wikis, and blogs in order to produce, alter, share, and converse content available on internet. This corresponds to the phenomenon of social media, which can at the present considerably influence an organization's standing, sales, and even continued existence. However, a number of executives abstain from or pay no heed to this type of media since they do not comprehend what social media is, the diverse shapes it can assume, and the way to connect with it and learn (Kietzmann, 2011).

Because of the appearance of Internet based social media, it is achievable for an individual to commune and be in touch with uncountable number of other individuals in relation to products, services and the organizations that offer them. Therefore, the effect and influence of customer to customer interactions has been extravagant to a large extent in the marketplace (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Owing to the effect of social media, decision makers, in addition to advisors, make an effort to discover means by which organizations can make beneficial use of tools and applications for instance YouTube, Twitter, Face book, Wikipedia, and Second Life (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2009).

This paper aims to study the pros and cons of using social media for health care marketing in addition to providing rationales as to why or why not social media should be utilized in addition to traditional marketing tactics.

Pros and cons of using social media in healthcare marketing

In the health care community and organizations, there is an extensive supposition that current progresses and developments in various internet technologies such as Web 2.0, predominantly the contributive and collaborative Internet most commonly recognized as social media, have altered the trend of communication and interaction, counting health associated interactions and communications (Chou, 2009).

A number of researches and studies have discovered that social media might allow health developing potential with the help a number of methods. Foremost, the internet based social networks may possibly boost perceived social and moral support and interrelation and collaboration among people.

Next, attributing the raise in user created content, sharing and distribution of ...
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