Strategic Planning And Evaluation For Various Health Care Organizations In The U.S.

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Strategic planning and evaluation for various health care organizations in the U.S.

Evaluate the application of various tools (e.g. needs assessment, demands analysis) in determining strategic planning and evaluation for various health care organizations in the U.S.


When developing strategies for not-for-profit and public health organizations, a needs/capacity assessment is performed. Understanding the importance of the application of the strategic management tools in healthcare mainly operates on the following principles: Identify the principles, characteristics and levels of planning, use planning as a tool for administration of healthcare, being aware of troubleshooting methodology and planning strategic situational analysis in healthcare management.


The aim of this assignment is to present the factors that iterate why must the needs / capacity assessment be performed in lieu of another strategic alternative assessment, such as a SPACE analysis?

To accomplish the objectives of the paper an evaluation would be carried out on the various tools of determining strategic planning and evaluation for various healthcare organizations in the US.


In nursing, and more specifically in the domain of management assistance nursing, experience demonstrates that planning done correctly, results in a series of advantages that reward the time and energy spent on it by the healthcare facility. The results of this effort may not always be perceived immediately, but the practice has proven that long and wide reaching advantages are reaped from such healthcare management practice (Ford, 1997). It is evident that no action the nurse may be able to efficiently and effectively take if it is directed by improvisation and lack of systematization. As such the management and administration of nursing care is centered on the attention of patient / client / user-oriented assistance that involves planning, Planning, organizing, controlling, directing and administering the direction, supervision and evaluation of the activities of the team in nursing in order to ...
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