Delivery Of Quality Healthcare

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Delivery of Quality Healthcare

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Strategic planning enables an organization to set directions and take decisions in order to achieve its future objectives. Every organization requires some elements to be successful, for its survival, in the long run. Performance improvement systems enable organization to develop processes and procedures critical to ensuring successful survival of the organization. Similarly, Information systems helps in assessing and evaluating the current and traditional practices and helps in reducing cost by decreasing paper work and providing access to traditional best practices associated with the problem. Strategic Planning and developing core strategies for information systems and performance improvement systems are the fundamental elements for the survival delivery of quality healthcare services.

Table of Contents




Statement of the Issue1

Strategic Planning1

Performance Improvement2

Information Systems3

Research Sources3

Examples of Federal Initiatives for improving patient care through Strategic Planning5

Examples of Federal Initiatives for improving patient care through Performance Improvement Systems6

Examples of Federal Initiatives for improving patient care through efficient Information Systems6



Delivery of Quality Healthcare


The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the importance of strategic planning, performance improvement and assessment and evaluation of information systems in the delivery of quality healthcare. Strategic planning is the core element for success and survival in the long run. Assessment and evaluation of information systems also helps in achieving the best, from an organization's information technology resources and performance improvement strategies are also the result of information systems assessment. The analysis of these elements is performed by the assessment of previous researches associated with strategic planning, performance improvement and information systems. The interrelation of these elements in the delivery of quality healthcare services will also be explicitly explained with the help of examples. Also, the legal, ethical and social aspects related to the topic will also be discussed.


Statement of the Issue

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning history begins, from the military. However, the ancient elements of strategic planning have been transformed in the context of management, but, the purpose of strategic planning remained the same, that is, to achieve competitive edge. In organizational management, strategic planning gained popularity between 1960s and 1970s. Corporate America was obsessed with strategic planning and considered it as the solution for all corporate problems. Strategic planning was, then, tossed aside during the next decade. In 1990s, it was again revived as a planning process with specific benefits in particular situations (Mintzberg, 1994).

From compensation to equipment and technology, to ethical and legal shifts, healthcare is continuously changing at an implausible pace. This continuous change has challenged the planning of healthcare environments, making the delivery systems much more intricate than ever before. Therefore, the governing board of the healthcare system must ensure, to establish an efficient strategic planning process, to address the incredible change in healthcare environment.

Strategic planning is the process that guides an organization in determining what it wants and how the organization will achieve its objectives. Strategic planning is simply, the process and strategies about the future of your organization reflecting the vision and mission statements of your organization (Zuckerman, 2012). Strategic planning is ...
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