Strategic Planning

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning


The piece of writing documents strategic thinking and strategic planning, and the features defining their importance in framework of organization procedures. The firm that I have selected for the purpose of this paper is the fizzy drink manufacturing and selling firm. It explores the reasons why strategies are important for the successful running of organizations.


The importance of strategic planning for any firm can be signified by the fact that it acts as a tool for organizing the present on the origin of the protrusion of the desired future. It is a road map that guides an organization from where it is now to where it desires to be in upcoming years. Strategic planning sets out the missions, values and goals of the company. It tells directs the people working in it towards specific vision.

For the food industry related business like the one I have selected, the market competition is becoming tough day by day. With the technological advancements and quickly changing world need the demand for better product is increasing. To continue to flourish in markets for the upcoming years and beyond, it is important to look ahead, develop comprehensive understanding of trends and forces that can shape the fizzy drink business in future. Getting ready for tomorrow is the basic criterion of strategic planning. This will create long term destination for our business and will provide us with an edge of struggle in the global market.

Mission Statement

Strategic planning sets out missions. The missions I have for my firm are divided into following categories.

To develop into the supplier of choice every time, in every genre we maneuver by providing maximum level satisfaction to our customers and retailers with the best quality of manufactured products and services by means of highly trained, dedicated, responsive and dynamic human resource who are determined and committed to endorse, advocate, sustain, defend and flourish the interests stakeholders working in collaboration with us.

To make difference in every global market we enter

To possess fifty percent of the revenues shares in every international market we enter.

The missions stated above will let the employers working for the company to know that what is expected out of them. Therefore the employers would work in collaboration with the company's vision to give their best results in interest of the organization. The mission statement gives the sense of passion, integrity, accountability, collaboration and inspiration for the workforce of the company. By stating the phrase “supplier of choice” we made it clear that our aim is to be the best in market and this is what the employers are supposed to work for.

The mission statement also states that providing best level satisfaction to our customers is our basic priority this helps the employers in drafting out ways and strategies that can serve in best possible interest of the customers. We work towards achieving 50% of the total shares in the market. This mission will clearly illustrates the level of dominancy we want in the ...
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