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Strategic Plan

Legalization of Marijuana For Medical UseAs with many issues, the legalization of marijuana for medical use is very complex. Thelegalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes has become an increasingly controversial topic; this issuecauses tension between sates and the federal government. For example, support has been growing frommany legislators in states like California and Arizona to keep marijuana illegal to the public but legal formedical use. However, the federal government is trying to prosecute patients who smoke pot. Resentreports on show the growing tension between the state and the government.

The report is about two women that taken the issue regarding medical marijuana to the SupremeCourt to protect their access to the drug after federal agents confiscated their plants. The issue at hand isthe power of federal agents to go after sick people that use homegrown marijuana with their doctors andStates permission. 11 states have passed laws regarding the use of marijuana for medical reasons. Also theSan Francisco based 9th has ruled that it is unconstitutional for federal prosecutors to press charges againstmedical marijuana users as long as it is not sold. Therefore, there for according to California law thewomen have not broken any laws.

The women's attorney told the justices that his clients are law-abiding citizens who need medicalmarijuana to survive. One of the women has a brain tumor she says that she has tried dozens of medicationsbefore turning to marijuana to ease her pain. The women's attorney maintains that marijuana may havesome negative side affects however his clients are seriously sick people that are willing to take the risks.

The report never addresses the health issues of the other woman involved in the lawsuit and why she needsmedical marijuana. The women are hoping that because one of the judges is currently undergoingtreatment for thyroid cancer he will be synthetic for them. If they are defeated laws passed by Californiaand ten other states might be undermined and would discourage other states from passing laws of theirown.

A loss for the government may possibly jeopardize federal over sight of illegal drugs and raiseissues in areas such as product safety and environmental activities. A Bush administration lawyer arguesthat siding with the women the justices would be encouraging people to use potentially harmful marijuana.

The government worries that people that are not sick would abuse marijuana and claim it is for medicalpurposes. Justice Stephen Breyer said that there is as many as 10,000 sick people in California usingmedical marijuana, and when marijuana it is impossible to tell who is using it for legitimate purposes.

There will be certificates that will circulate in the black-market and it could create a huge mess.

The federal government has no constitutional right to ban drugs, especially if it overrides a statelaw therefore the sates arguments are stronger. However, the argument that the federal government hasmade over possibly jeopardize federal over sight of illegal drugs is a strong argument if the users aregrowing their own marijuana. However, responsible users should not be punished for the irresponsibleactions of others. The government could ...
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