Strategic Management: Internal Analysis And Swot Of Apple Inc.

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Strategic Management: Internal Analysis and SWOT of Apple Inc.

Strategic Management: Internal Analysis and SWOT of Apple Inc.


Apple Inc. is the American corporation that is involved in manufacturing, designing, and marketing of PCs (Personal Computers) along with their relevant components, software, portable players in forms of mp3 and mp4, and various networking utilities inclusive of servers amongst other accessories. The product portfolio of the organization comprises of excellent market offerings like the operating system of Mac, iPods, iPhones, and iPads. Additionally to the Mac Operating Systems, other applications software is also manufactured by them such as iWork and iLife. Moreover, Apple also develops some of the internet used applications such as QuickTime and Safari. The operations of Apple Inc. are primarily carried out in the U.S. with headquarters situated in Cupertino and California States, but the products of Apple Inc. are sold throughout the world. The important information related to the Apple's operations is useful for analyzing the intelligence needs of the business as well as the competitor analysis of the company (CNN Money, 2012).

In this paper, the main internal and external factors of the company will be analyzed with the help of SWOT analysis as these factors are very significant to consider while competing with the competitors of Apple Inc. through doing a deed SWOT Analysis of the company, three different questions will be answered in the paper according to the response of the analysis.


As this assignment is about the Strategic Management, so for this, an internal analysis will be done for uncovering the underlying strengths and weaknesses of the chosen company which is, Apple Inc. SWOT analysis comprises of the portrayal and collection of information regarding the internal and external factors of an organization which have some definite impacts on the business performance in a particular industry. It is an agenda that makes the managers of an organization enable of synthesizing their insights gathered from an internal analysis (strengths and weaknesses) in comparison with the external analysis (opportunities and threats). Through a deep insight on the SWOT analysis of Apple Inc, three questions will be required to answer in details which are responded below:

What are the two or three biggest strengths the organization has that allow it to make the company's vision come to fruition?

Some of the biggest strengths of Apple Inc. that has allowed it to make the vision of company come to fulfillment are as follows:

Customers' Loyalty united with growing closed Ecological Unit

At first, the closed ecological unit of Apple Inc was considered as a weakness for the organization, but currently that has been changed. This change has been occurred due to the Apple's capability of having wide-ranging software, apps, and products that are interconnected and maintain each other. Furthermore, the new supplements and products are being released such as iTV, therefore, the company is continuously working towards expanding its ecological unit. Apple as being a highly competitive company has a powerful customer loyalty, which continuously augmenting due to the closed ecological unit of ...
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