Strategic Leadership

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Strategic Leadership

Strategic Leadership

Define the improvement area and explain why you have selected it. ?

Strategic leadership is the process of showing others the way to protect and / or better align the organization with its external environment. Since health care organizations are facing enormous changes in their environment through such things as changes in customer demands, changing government regulations, and new competitive threats, strategic leadership is essential to effective the survival of the organization and operation. In short, strategic leadership allows the organization to move to a new state that is more in keeping with its surroundings.

Strategic leadership is the responsibility of the person or persons in charge of the organization in general. Usually, this is the chief executive or president, and the rest of the team. However, this does not mean that all strategic leaders must come from the top of the hierarchy of the organization. In progressive health organizations, strategic leadership is exercised throughout the organization, especially in the middle management level and board level director / administrator.

Many health care organizations face conflicting pressures, improve quality and reduce costs, refocus attention to the patient and the community, while not alienating doctors, collaborate or integrate with other providers of care, preserving the values of the institution and basic skills. creates effective strategic leadership and inspiring a shared vision of how these conflicts can be addressed and enables the organization to move towards that vision. To do this, strategic leaders must command not only leadership skills but also character and integrity.

The process of strategic management is fundamentally a process of transformation. To be an effective strategic leader, one must be willing to have faith in the vision and personal willingness to be transformed along the path. Because this process requires leaders of the organization of public and / or private support and face their shortcomings, while relying on his followers, the effective strategic leadership is rare in organizations.

Given the huge impact that strategic leaders in the general organization, these individuals should be developed and selected with care. Too often, strategic leaders come to their duties due to their excellent expertise and interpersonal skills compromise, without understanding or preparing for strategic leadership role and responsibilities. When this happens, the organization loses focus, responding to the crisis in a reactive manner, and survival becomes a threat. In progressive organizations, major ongoing investment and training in leadership and strategic leadership are made.

Critically analyse relevant leadership concepts and frameworks. ?

In 1975, Henry Mintzberg, a scholar in the field of management studies, conducted a study of what managers actually do. Concluded that managers made ten different roles. These functions can be grouped into three categories. In the first category are the interpersonal roles of figurehead, leader and liaison. In the second category are information functions of the monitor, disseminator and spokesperson. Finally there are the functions associated with decision-making entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. According to Mintzberg, is the role of leader of the director's influence is ...
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