Strategic Leadership

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Apple Inc.'s Strategic Leadership Issues in the Changing World

Apple Inc.'s Strategic Leadership Issues in the Changing World


There are various issues, which organizations are facing in this contemporary business environment. A variety of businesses transversally across the globe are facing difficulties regarding setting their vision and achieving their mission. The key factor behind these circumstances is those strategic leadership issues, which are of the greatest concern in this modern era. The core objective of strategic leadership is to provide a clear vision and track towards the development and expansion of an organization.

Nowadays various multinational corporations and gigantic business units are facing leadership issues because of the increasing competition and decreasing financial and economic situation of this global village. Almost 200 percentage of increase in competition has been seen in the last one decade. Whether direct or indirect, this competition has radically impacted on the business strategies of various corporations, thus, provoke them to strategically consider their leadership to successfully pursue their business in future. With the advent of 21st century, the global business environment has drastically changes and organization like Apple, Nike and Google are suffering because of their leadership issues.

This paper is formulated to understand and study the phenomenon of changing business environment and how it is generating strategic issues for some of the greatest business units across the globe. The company, which I have chosen is Apple, Inc. Founded in 1976, the company is considerably amongst the biggest organizations in world in the industry of consumer electronics, software and personal computers. The biggest issue with the leadership of Apple is the iconic leadership. After the death of Steve Jobs, the company is surviving to fetch a similar leader. It is considerably the biggest issue with majority of the iconic leading companies that when their leaders fadeout, it seriously impact upon the business of the organization. Despite of it, there are various other strategic leadership issues of Apple, in context to the changing global business scenario, are put under consideration to under the convolution of leadership.


The Dilemma of Iconic Leadership

There are several leaders who stand out from the rest. They just don't lead there team or company, rather they lead them towards countless glories, successes, and new heights. Steve Jobs was one of those charismatic leaders who guided Apple towards the mountaintop position, and the company has enjoyed lot of success under his leadership. There was no such issues regarding how he led the company, but the issues arise after his exit from the company (after his death).

Regardless of the fact that he was suffering from health problems for many years, and was also being sidelined by the company, the company failed to find or develop his successor miserably (Lawler, 2011). This is not just the problem with the Apple; the fact of the matter is that, it is quite difficult for the companies having such iconic leaders to prepare a replacement for them. GE and Disney have also suffered the same concerns, since they are running business without Jack ...
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