Strategic Human Reasource Management

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Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management


Significance of the Strategic HRM practice

More companies have adopted strategic HRM practices than are still using traditional HRM practices. By applying strategic human resource practices culture can be easily managed. Recruitment methods are more sophisticated and comprehensive. Scientific selection methods such as psychometric test, competency based interviews and assessment centres have now been more widely adopted. Training is provided to employees to address change of product, advanced technology, and organizational change, Hr department also uses information technology to deliver their services.

Human resource management also enables adaptation to the organizational culture and adjusts to changes accordingly. This can be done if the Human Resource professionals work both with management and employees. Human resources management can amend this and become a bridge in establishing what the management wants from employees. Human resource strategic management is a continual process. It is a continuous development process. HRM strategic management requires that the management be prepared always do deal with any situation that comes up (Beaman, 2002, 234).

HRM issues and its Significance

Operations may at times get out of control if personal agendas and politics are placed in the organization, also in growing companies, this should be monitored and prevented. Developing not only management but also its employees is significant for the human resource department. This helps to keep up with the competition. Employees should be given of reasons, to stay with the company, and do their jobs exemplary well. They have to earn their stay in the company. Their continuous growth, the right compensation and benefits, and work-life balance are just some of the things that motivate employees to perform better, producing better results for customers and ultimately, the company. This is normally ensured by the human resource department (Briscoe, 2004, 233).

HRM practice

In the significant period of global competition, a large number of organizations have developed a lot by improving their business' models, raising growth, and corporate reorganization. Traditional industrial framework has changed in to globally expanded companies, intellectual corporations, knowledge based system of finances, modified ideas about the social contract of employers and workers, increased pool of talented and competent workforces, demands HRM (human resource management) functions to relocate and realign itself (Dowling, 2004, 246).

Managerial work has changed a lot in past years. These changes have an alarming effect on the responsibilities of the human resource manager. Appearance of human resource management as a worldwide remedy for business strategy integration and management of people has shown private practitioners to a new and different role challenges which have filled the holes between HR (human resource) language and reality. Moreover, HR functions include response to foremost changes in the organization, related increase of human resource management and competitive advantage of the organization with the help of its man power.

Literature Review

Performance of Organization and HR

Role of HRM should be proactive instead of reactive in order to achieve human resource management in an organization and its responsiveness. For the achievement of competitive advantage, HRM need to look ...
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