Strategic Hrm

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Strategic HRM

Strategic HRM

Assignment 1


In the past, Organizations have been guilty of underestimating the significance of the human development function. The changes in the business environment due to factors such as globalization, culturally diverse workforce, technological innovations and the volatile business environment; have caused the organizations to radically change their perspectives. Organizations today, view human resource function as a unique asset which is required to attain a sustained level of competitive advantage. Strategic human management allows an organization to align its employees with the strategic goals. Organizations with strategic human resource management are better able to cope with the business environment and have better financial returns (Huselid & Becker, 1999, p. 361).

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Framework

The SHRM framework describes the nature of various organizational processes and the relationship between these processes; for organizations to develop a successful personnel management system. It provides the role of the HR department in aligning the human resource with the strategic goals of the organization, to achieve maximum productivity.


Auditing Function

Auditing various departments of the organization, and assessing the productivity of the specific human resource is the essential requirement of the HR department. Strategic HR activities enable the HR personnel to effectively asses the performance levels of all of the employees, and then provide the required training.

Policy- Implementation

The policies formulated by HR help enable them to implement HR strategies, and also collect the relevant data. HR department has to ensure that the organization has a structure, through which all the relevant data can be adequately acquired. Hence HR sets policies for different departments to monitor and report certain key employee performance indicators.

Strategic Outlook

Strategy formulation is an essential role of the HR managers, as they must continuously monitor the environment and form strategies to extract the greatest effort from the human resource. The HR department has to form strategies regarding the roles and responsibilities of employees, integration of the HR planning with the business development planning and several other factors. If the work is not done according to the mark, then there should be continuous reporting against the HR department. Strategies of the Human Resource Management include several aspects of their implementations, especially related to recruitment and, retention.


There is the need of continuous support of the top management for the implementation of HRM strategies especially related to labor relations and, employees' salaries. There should be audit of particular HR planning. The audit may be conducted in the presence of supreme authority which may be treasury board.


Continuous monitoring is required in case of implementations of HRM plans after audit. If there is any lacking in the plans then, it should be overcome within a short period of time. The HR managers must ensure that the relevant HR strategies are effectively followed by the employees, and any cases of non compliance are dealt with in an efficient manner.


Implementation of the strategy, determines the effectiveness of the HR department. If the strategy is not adequately implemented throughout the organization, then the human resource ...
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