Strategic Hr Management

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Strategic HR Management

Strategic HR Management


Peter Drucker in 2002 has said that managing larger healthcare institution is one of the most complex jobs throughout the history. Even the smaller institutions are barely manageable, without much effort put into it. Drucker's observation was published a while ago; however, the complexities of health care organizations, in addition to, the increased demand on the leaders and managers of the institutions, have not reduced in any way. In today's time, executives are required to navigate through a landscape with strong influences from significant social and political challenges. Some of them may include consistent shortage of healthcare professionals, decreasing reimbursements, requirements of endlessly use safety and performance indicators, and dominant calls for transparency of the system. Furthermore, managers and leaders are expected to do a lot more with a lot less (Stefl, 2008, pp. 360-374).


About our company

For my paper, I have selected HCA Inc. HCA is a Nashville-based hospital companies, being the nation's founding members of these kinds of institutions in 1968. Today, HCA is the leading providers of health care services, across the nation. The company comprises of facilities, which are locally managed, including of about 162 hospitals and 113 freestanding surgical centers, in more than twenty states across the US, as well as in England. There are currently about 199,000 employers working for HCA, comprising of about 4-5% of all in-patient care that is delivered in the US (HCA Healthcare, 2013).

HCA aims to provide care and improvement of human life, and it strives to fulfill its role in delivering high quality, and cost effective healthcare to the community. The mission of the organization is to put the patients first and consistently work to improve the quality of care given to patients. With an investment of $1.5 billion per year, HCA aims to keep all its facilities modern and up-to-date with respect to the latest technologies. Furthermore, the institution works to maintain a healthy relationship with all its employees, encouraging them to deliver the best possible care to all their patients (HCA Healthcare, 2013).

Unique challenges of managing the human resources

Being the Senior Vice President of Human Resources for an institution like HCA Inc. is likely to present with numerous challenges in view of the larger size of this healthcare organization. The vast number of health facilities HCA offers across 20 states makes it a challenging task for the human resources to manage. There are approximately 199,000 employees working at this organization; thus, it requires a large and competent staff of human resource individual. As a senior vice Present of Human Resources, I will be required to report to the CEO of the organization, Richard M. Bracken. Moreover, I would have staff comprising of several vice presidents to handle the all the relevant area and facilities under HCA.

The human resource department is divided into several sections, having vice president heading each of the respective sections. All of them will be reporting to me, as the senior vice ...
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