Strategic Direction & Stakeholders

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Strategic Direction & Stakeholders

Strategic Direction & Stakeholders

[Date of Submission]



Task 1: Analysis of Stakeholders of Tesco3

1.1 The Different Stakeholders of Tesco3

1.2 The Stakeholder Engagement at Tesco and their Interests4

The Expectations and Interests of Customers of Tesco4

The Expectations and Interests of Employee of Tesco4

The Expectations and Interests of Communities of Tesco5

The Expectations and Interests of Suppliers of Tesco5

The Expectations and Interests of Regulators and Governments of Tesco5

The Expectations and Interests of Non-governmental organizations of Tesco6

1.3 The Techniques Used to Highlight the Stakeholders of Tesco6

Identification of the Stakeholders6

Prioritizing the Stakeholders6

Understanding the Key Stakeholders7

Task 2: The Current Strategic Direction8

2.1 The Current Strategic Direction of Tesco8

2.2 The SWOT Analysis of Tesco8

The Strengths of Tesco9

The Weaknesses of Tesco9

The Opportunities of Tesco9

The Threats of Tesco10

2.3 The Generic Strategies: The Strategic Options for Tesco10

2.4 The Assessment of the Match between the Stakeholder Analysis and the Strategic Direction11


Strategic Direction & Stakeholders


Headquartered in the United Kingdom, Tesco is general merchandise and a British multinational grocery retailer. It is the grocery market leader in the United Kingdom and across North America, Europe and Asia, have stores in fourteen countries (Jones, 2001, pp. 29).


Task 1: Analysis of Stakeholders of Tesco

1.1 The Different Stakeholders of Tesco

Non-governmental organizations, investors, suppliers, colleagues and customers, are the main stakeholders of Tesco. On the perspective of everything, the views of the customers are heard by the colleagues of the company. These views can lie to the role of the company in the community, from the manner in which it is serving its customers. Meetings of Customer Question Time are invaluable for the company. Through the colleague forum process, colleague question time sessions and the viewpoint colleague survey, feedback is gained from the colleagues (Barrientos, 2000, pp. 559).

In the supplier relationships of the company, the core value of the company is applied firmly, i.e. treatment of people in the same manner, in which we want to be treated. The investor relations teams of the company that represent our shareholders or invest in the company, regularly meet analysts from the financial institutions. To respond and understand the issues of concern, the company regularly meets with non-governmental organizations.

1.2 The Stakeholder Engagement at Tesco and their Interests

Using their insight to steer and shape the company's strategy to use the scale for good, to assess the existing work, both at an international and local level, by engaging with over fifty leading stakeholders, the company has started its engagement program. It is fundamental to the company values, to engage with the different groups that are affected or influence its business.

The company is able to plan its CR program accordingly and can identify the relevant issues of CR by understanding the concerns and needs of its stakeholders (Whysall, 2005, pp. 1118). When balancing different consideration, the company can make sure that it has taken the views of all its stakeholders and has listened to them since the company cannot be all things to all people.

The Expectations and Interests of Customers of Tesco

Providing a choice of products, like, affordable, healthy and sustainable options, ...
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