Strategic Change Management

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Strategic Change Management

Strategic Change Management


Change in the processes of the organization plays an inevitable and indispensable role in enhancing the productivity and performance of the organization. Change becomes necessary for such organizations which are left behind in their competition with other business organization or their competitors. In order to enhance the growth of the organization, the corporations implement strategic change management for standing as a competitor in the market. Strategic change can be a large scale change or it can also be a little change (Hassin, 2005, Pp.23-24).

Effective change brings positive impact on the performance and productivity of the organization. However, change in the processes or operations of the business introduce many complications, but organizations take this risk when they want to introduce growing factor in their business. As the size of the change increases then more and more change management becomes necessary in order to bring effective change within the business environment. There are many reasons which are accountable for failure in change management. These factors include inadequate sense of urgency, guiding alliance which is not powerful enough, lack of communication, lack of vision, no breakdown in bigger goals, obstacles overlooked, missing pre plan and declaration of success very soon (Hassin, 2005, Pp.23-24).

However, the management of change with strategic approach is important. It brings in positive consequences of the change on the organizational performance. In this paper we will study the changes that have been implemented in the growing organization of United Kingdom Tesco in this age of recession. This paper will also focus on the challenges that the company will face in implementing this change model. Moreover, efficient strategy for implementing change in the organization will also be discussed in this paper.


Organizational Background

Tesco is currently the UK's most successful supermarket with a UK market share in excess of 30% and annual profits of some £2bn. It is the world's fourth largest retailer. The company has developed internationally over the past 10 years particularly in Central and Eastern Europe and the Far East. International expansion is a key element of Tesco's strategic development particularly as opportunities for further expansion in the UK become increasingly limited. Thus, for making its business expansion possible, Tesco needs to implement strategic change process in its business operations (Hassin, 2005, Pp.23-24). Tesco has always been successful in providing its services and products to its customers since the time of its establishment. However, the company is not experiencing any growth in its technological innovation due to recession, so they have planned to implement changes in their organization so as to enhance the operations of the organization. Necessary approaches that have been taken into consideration by the company have been elaborated in the paper. Consequently, the company addressed the problems along with a comprehensive renovation of the organization's operational processes (Hassin, 2005, Pp.23-24). Models Of Strategic Change- Lewin's Change Model

Tesco has been employing Lewin's Change model in order to enhance its productivity and performance. The organization has introduced new system of performance to ...
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