Strategic Change Management

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Strategic Change Management

Strategic Change Management

Task - 1

AC1.1 Discuss models of strategic change

Types of Change

Evolution: Transformational change executes slowly through consistent initiatives; likely to be practical change undertaken in anticipation of the need for future change

Adaptation: Change carry out to realign the way in which the organisation operates, executes a series of steps

Revolution: Transformational change that happens via immediate actions on many fronts; more likely to be forced and reactive because of the varying competitive conditions that the organisation is facing

Reconstruction: Change carry out to realign the way in which the organization operates, with many ideas implemented simultaneously; often forced and reactive because of a changing competitive framework (Glensor, 2006, p.14).

AC1.2 Evaluate the relevance of models of strategic change to organisations in the current economy.

Kotter's model suggests that change is a slow process and it should be dealt likewise. The change starts itself, when urgency in the organisation is created either to complete new requirement or need to resolve current issues. This leads to formation of vision and clear objectives which defines the change to be taken forward. In current economic scenario, where the industry is in very competitive environment and the economic recession has further tightened its position, it becomes necessary for the organisation to win the confidence of the staff and employees and keep them involved and engaged with the proposed strategic change.

Similarly, the change model of team has its relevance because, the change in organisation is initiated by a team and it's the responsibility of the team to take the change forward and bring it to an organisational level. Keeping this in view, the tuckman's model of learning styles becomes important as it discuss the the stages of team development and henceforth, by focusing at these stages, it becomes easier to prepare for the change. The stages of Forming, Norming, Storming and Performing defines the four stages and this in turn helps to identify where and at which stage what policy and strategy to be considered (Hamel, 2007, p.30).

Team consists of individuals and every team member is an individual first and then a part of team and therefore, it becomes important to consider how to involve individuals first in the change. Of individuals are not ready for the change then a strong team can never be formed and if the team fails then the change at organisational level can never be success. And this gives high importance to consider the individual change model. By evaluating and studying the current economic scenario, it becomes necessary for every organisation to consider the change models of Organisation, team and individual and then to form a strategy (Cellars, 2007, p.136). No change can become success if these approaches to managing change at various levels are not considered.

AC1.3 Assess the value of using strategic intervention techniques in organizations.

The strategic intervention techniques used in organisation, helps it find out its organisational strength, which becomes helpful while designing the change process. Strategic intervention techniques help the organisation to involve ...
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