Strategic Business Management And Planning

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Strategic Business Management and Planning

Strategic Business Management and Planning


Q#4: Impact of PESTLE on APIL


India is one of the largest democratic countries, so there are very low chances of political risk for APIL in upcoming future. Economy of India is export leaning therefore it is the best time to invest in new projects and move in the direction increasing growth rate.


Demand and prices of Asian Paints experienced worst affects by the downward trend of Indian rupee, high rates of inflation, excise duties. However since Indian state Sorted it out and did their best to make way for business industries, APIL got a better platform to grow gradually.


There lies a discontinuous social disturbance in India, but it does not disturb the growth of APIL at a significant level. Asian paints also introduced a new product named Utsav to target majority Indian families having low range income.


From Technological perspective APIL always intent to enhance their productivity by modernizing their technical end. APIL is working on its Technical sector and also negotiating foreign collaborators to bring future technologies in Paint industry. They have planted a modified technology of cathode electro deposition primer at company's place in the ground at Bhandup these actions will lead APIL towards increasing growth in paints industry.


Recession is finally over , and government of India is not imposing any legal hurdles in the form of Common, Civil and Theocratic law so now is the better chance for APIL to grow its productivity.Environmental

APIL is taking care of their customers and ecological system by avoiding usage of harmful chemical in the preparation of it is paints. So environmental factor will not be able to damage future growth of Asian Paints.

Task 2

Q# 1: Means To Outperform Competitors

To obtain consumers approaching support APIL has to focus market i.e. to follow a business strategy that in not only buyer focused, but also includes the requirement of market. In order to outperform its competitors APIL should put in significance towards its clients by working on basic needs of customer satisfaction and at the same time they have to decrease cost of their product by enhancing their technological area by modernizing production method in such a way that quality of Asian paints does not change.

Q#2: Strategies for Competing in Emerging, Maturing & Declining Postions

Strategies for Emerging Position

APIL should struggle to be the victor in the early stages of its new product such as Utsav by following a creative strategy.

Excellence of machinery, development of manufactured goods and generation of attractive presentation skin will improve growth rate of APIL.

APIL should follow its intent i.e. modernization of technology and always be the first one to introduce something that is not within the market.

Strategies for Maturing Position

APIL will have to work on their cost Management, their better-quality supplier and client interaction

APIL has to expand their business in international markets that they have already initiated in several regions.

APIL should emphasize on the development of its products.

Reducing cost of it is paints as much as ...
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