Strategic Business Management

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Strategic Business Management

Strategic Business Management

Modern day business is more competitive than ever and success of one's business is boiled down to one thing, outsmarting the competitors. This is where a management team comes into play. Planning is essential for any business that wants to succeed because failing to have a plan is planning to fail. For a manager it is vital that they be able to run their department efficiently and effectively to keep up with the plans that have been established from upper management.

“Planning is the ongoing process of developing the business' mission and objectives and determining how they will be accomplished,” (Grossman 2002 4-16). “Planning includes both the broadest view of the organization, its mission, and its tactics for accomplishing a specific goal,” (Venkatraman 2004 73-87). Planning allows managers the ability to identify the goals of an organization and take the appropriate steps toward achieving those goals. There are three steps in the planning process that managers should take to ensure that they are using the planning process correctly.

There are different levels of planning for the different levels of management in every organization. Most organization have three levels of management, they are first line manager, middle managers, and top managers. The first line managers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of an organization. They are also responsible for supervising the employees and making sure they are producing quality work. The middle managers are responsible for supervising the first line managers and making sure they are doing their job as well as making sure that all resources within a department are being used to achieve departmental goals and the goals of the organization. Top managers are responsible for all departments within an organization; they also set the goals for an organization and monitor the work of ...
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