Storybooks - Communication

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Storybooks - Communication

Storybooks - Communication


This essay is focused on examining three storybooks' scenario to arrive at strategies that could be used to tackle the issues inherent in the three situations under consideration, particularly in relation to the personal experience from writers' own work experience. Leader is the figure who is idealized by employees and so it falls upon his shoulder primarily to create the right image and set the right path for his followers to follow. It is during the time as a leader that an employee is presented with challenging tasks jobs, significant of which are conflict management, handling communication challenges among your team members, addressing organizational communication needs among others. These are important to be handled such that all the concerned parties feel justified, as it is directly associated with organizational performance.


Many a times when employees are faced with dilemmas out of which it becomes substantially difficult for them to come through. Such situations not only affect employees' attitudes towards workplace and his job responsibilities but also impact organizational performance at some level. This is as a result of which leaders are appointed so that they could keep their team and organizational staff motivated while looking after all their concerns.

Considering the storybooks' scenario, as a leader I would ensure that my followers and subordinates remain safe and are respected if they are on the right path. I would let them know that I take confidence and pride in them and this is what will instill courage in them to speak in a straight-forward manner of any problem or issue. This has been my idea of communications framework. My job of marketing manager has always been difficult needing significant amount of team work. Investment into articular marketing strategy requires voluminous amount of analysis and correct representation of any ...
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