Stopping Illegal Immigration

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Stopping Illegal Immigration

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U.S. shares in two large borders with Mexico and Canada that are being violated on a massive scale, while our existing immigration laws go unenforced! Global corporations and racially motivated political groups are pushing for a comprehensive immigration reform amnesty (CIR or CIRA), to negate our existing immigration laws are unenforced, thus destroying any future hopes of border security and immigration enforcement in America. In recent decades, Mexico has received illegal immigrants in the civil war in Central America, many of which are ultimately trying to cross the U.S. border illegally. The results are disastrous for the U.S. and closing the doors to these immigrants only decision in U.S. woes.


In fact, it is not even being discussed is outrageous. Our government has too long allowed this atrocity to continue since we are members of a criminal organization that is now terrorizing the northern Washington DC. These brutal killers, rapists and drug traffickers, have no mercy. This same organization has ties to al Qaeda and our government plays word games. These so-called defenders of illegal immigrants do not understand the nature of the beast, and if they do I suspect there is something far more sinister behind it. This is not about economics or money, we are talking about repatriation. Assurance systems such as these defenders is worse than the perpetrators, in this case, illegal aliens, because I know it's wrong, but somewhere they hope to get five minutes of fame at the expense of our state and our citizens.

It's time to say enough, and if you think that this is an exaggeration, remember you heard it here first. We will not allow our borders to be used by the Mexican government or any people - like a revolving door to rescue their economies shabby, or worse, allow it to open the portal to become the means that our country is attacked 9 / 11 style again.

Poll Gallup-USA Today released this week found that 61 percent of respondents say illegal immigration should be a crime, and 52 percent thought it should be a crime for U.S. citizens to knowingly aid illegal immigrants.

Illegal immigration remains a controversial and divisive topics, not just in the United States, but worldwide. A man who lives in the country illegally is known as "illegal immigrants". Other terms that are commonly used include: undocumented immigrants, illegal immigrants, undocumented alien, unauthorized migrants, illegal immigrants, and illegal immigrant, migrant or undocumented workers. Illegal immigrants are a huge category. Some undocumented immigrants entered the country illegally, and other legally entered the number of days overdue but is allowed on their visas or breached their conditions of permit or permission of the refugees. Regardless of whether migrants should be their new home, they decided to take a chance and move to another country in search of a better life. Many people usually leave loved ones and valuables behind.

Some immigrants are leaving their country for political or economic reasons. People usually choose to immigrate to countries that are ...
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